Magna Carta Slated for Destruction by Government Traitors

John Williams
Daily Stormer
June 1, 2015

King John singed the great charter 800 years ago this year.

According to the UK Daily Telegraph of 17th May, 2015, the Barons and Bishops who formulated and facilitated that Magnus opus of English Common Law, and so the law of the Commonwealth and the U.S of A, the Magna Carta, are to be judged during a so called ‘mock’ trial at Westminster Hall, London, on the 21st July, of this year.

The inconsistencies surrounding this event, said to mark the 800th anniversary of the document and its many precedents, are numerous and highly disconcerting, when one considers the historic and contemporary attack on the English Constitution and the Rule of Law; the very act of `trying` said principles, is an act of treason in itself.

So let us turn to the players in this travesty: The trial will be judged by Lord Neuberger, President of the UK Supreme Court; Dame Sian Elisa, Chief justice of New Zealand and the Hon. Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court. The organisation behind the farce is the Magna Carta Trust whose members include the Baroness Scotland and other brave patriots, was set up by yet another shadowy Blairesque charity, named the Foundation of Liberty.

Lord Neuberger

In its 1957 Charter, the Objectives of the Magna Carta Trust were defined as:

  • The perpetuation of the principles of Magna Carta
  • The preservation for reverent public use of sites associated with Magna Carta
  • The commemoration triennially and on such other special occasions as shall be determined by the Trust, of the grant of Magna Carta, as the course of the constitutional liberties of all English-speaking peoples, and a common bond of peace between them.

So here we see an example of the Orwellian ‘turnspeak,’ so amply used by this communitarian elite , incumbent in the Occident; holding the principles of the charter in such high esteem, they endeavour to demean its significance in their upcoming debacle. Indeed, the occupied MSM, never misses a chance to belittle and negate the principles of the freedom we hold so dear and that form the basis for our way of life – only this week it was reported that Elizabeth II was not including the much needed review of the Human Rights Act 1998 in her recent Queens Speech, as the government were still un- decided on the framework of the ‘new Bill of Rights’ that they have in mind. These subverts neglect to mention that the HRA 1998, is an act of treason in itself, as is talk of any type of Bill of Rights, other than that of 1688, which preceded our glorious Declaration of Rights.; both the HRA and any ‘new’ legislative ‘law’ are negated by the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights 1689.

Dame Sian Elisa, Chief justice of New Zealand, what has she got to do with the Bishops and Barons?

As if criminals a la Cherie Blair, have the right to rescind our Common Law and its fundamentals?

She and her cohorts may produce statute, and very often do but this is not Law, and is only contracted by consent.

When considering the , ‘foreign prince, prelate or person’ clause in the Bill of Rights, and the abovementioned motley crew, these events take an even more farcical turn !

In article 1 of the charter of 1215, it is written that the freedoms and rights granted by God, or indeed, common sense, shall be enjoyed by the heirs of the land of England forevermore, so we see that any questioning of this foundation is antipathic to its being.

Also in articles 12 and 13, Jewish usury is alluded to in the form of debts, interest and the distribution of them, where said tribe are concerned; the only alien race mentioned in the whole of the charter, other than the indigenous British nations – how ironic then, that at least 2 of the 3 would be arbiters are of the same ilk. If facial recognition is anything to go by, then please include all 3 in the category.

The Hon. Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court. These three judges are most likely descended from the villains of the piece, what are they doing seeking to change it?

The great Lord Denning once described Magna Carta as “The greatest constitutional document of all times…the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot“; one must wonder what he would have thought of this most recent initiative toward its undermining and final destruction?

Churchill also had words to the wise on the document and its implications, though I`m afraid the evidence mounting against this traitor, revokes any thought he had on any subject – Zionist shekels can be very thought provoking.

The fundamentals of the Rule of Law appear within article 61 of the charter and also in articles 38 and 39, which state:

No free man may be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.

These are the laws the aforesaid are truly afeard of, and these are the ideals they will hold no quarter in vanquishing – every honest, right-minded human being of English or any other decent for that matter, must realise the jeopardy we face if they are dissolved and forgotten.

When these aliens herald their ‘mock’ trial, we must recognise the peril we face, and also realise that when utilizing the word, ‘mock,’ they mean to use the verb, and not the adjective.

The Magna Carta does not even apply to Baroness Scotland, so what does she have to do with it?