Majority Disapprove of Kasich-Cruz Collusion Plot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2016


How did these men not have advisers to tell them that this conspiracy reveals them to be unscrupulous and utterly despicable scumbags?

NBC News:

The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted April 26-28 — so mostly after Trump’s six-consecutive primary victories in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, as well as after Cruz and Kasich announced an alliance/truce, whereby Kasich wouldn’t campaign in Indiana to help Cruz (in exchange for Cruz not campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico).

But 58 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Indiana say they disapprove of Cruz and Kasich teaming up to beat Trump in the Hoosier State, while 34 percent say they approve of the move.

What’s more, only 22 percent consider the Cruz-Kasich alliance a major factor in deciding their vote, 15 percent say it’s a minor factor and 63 percent say it would play no factor at all.

I’m still not convinced that this wasn’t all part of the plan.

I think it’s possible – if not probable – the Kasich did this purposefully to thwart Cruz. Either with or without the input of Donald Trump. It definitely hurt Cruz a lot more than it hurt him, and the way he denied it within 24 hours of announcing it was very suspicious.