Daily Stormer
January 8, 2015

One thing people don’t seem to understand and appreciate about democracy is that the opinions and beliefs of the people have no influence at all on the behavior of elected officials. The actual election process is like a voodoo ritual where you turn over the power to torture you to lawyers and Jews.
Most U.S. voters think the Mexican government doesn’t do enough to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking and favor stopping foreign aid to our southern neighbor until it does more to prevent illegal border crossings.
Just 14% of Likely U.S. Voters think the Mexican government wants to stop its citizens from illegally entering the United States, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Fifty-five percent (55%) say Mexico is not interested in stopping illegal immigration. But 31% are not sure.
Mexico is engaged in a colonization program, period, and this is vastly beneficial to their country. The idea that we are sending them free money to add to the stacks they stole just demonstrates how completely and utterly insane this situation is. Of course, most of the people polled probably weren’t even aware their tax dollars are being used to fund dem programs in Mexico and were appalled to hear about it.