Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 8, 2018
This is an interesting and rather complicated development.
I of course in principle agree that a government of experts is superior to universal suffrage democracy, but the problem is in who is responsible for choosing these experts or indeed defining what an “expert” is.
This is why I have promoted the idea of limited suffrage democracy, where only land-owning male citizens are allowed to vote. This would become a government of experts, but would have a check on it, to ensure that the proper kinds of experts were in charge.
But a youth move away from democracy – this can only be a good thing, whatever the specific details.
A new survey suggests many young people in Sweden are skeptical about the traditional format of democratic governance, and think the country being ruled by experts rather than politicians would be a good idea.
A new survey suggests many young people in Sweden are skeptical about the traditional format of democratic governance, and think the country being ruled by experts rather than politicians would be a good idea.
The survey, carried out by analysis firm Kairos Future, was sent out to 6,000 Swedes. A majority of those aged 16-25 who responded said that “letting experts and not the Riksdag and government decide what is best for the country” is a very good, or quite good proposal.
That 54 percent was comprised of a broad group from across Sweden and of different political backgrounds, reports Swedish newspaper ETC, who were first to write about the survey.
If all people get to the point where we universally accept that liberal democracy is a failed system, then we can begin to have a conversation about moving forward.