Majority Oppose Obama Plan to Flood America with ISIS Terrorists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2016

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Obama is forcing people to take ISIS terrorists into their neighborhoods.

But surprisingly, a majority are against this program.

Rasmussen Reports:

The Obama administration reportedly is speeding the vetting process for Syrian refugees so 10,000 can come to the United States this year, but most voters still don’t welcome those newcomers and fear they are a threat to the country.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Likely U.S. Voters oppose allowing 10,000 Syrians to come to America by the end of the year. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 31% favor letting those refugees come here. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.

Who is that 31%?

Jews are only 2% of the population, Moslems are 1%, and we can assume 100% of those two groups support it – but that leaves 28%. And I don’t think even a single Black or Mexican would support it – they both hate Moslems and also don’t want to share their gibs.

We can assume a few cucked White men voted “yes” for Issue ISIS, but not many.

The only remaining group?

White women craving ficki ficki.


Wake up White Man! You are being cuckolded!

Right now, the White population of America is only 60% (probably less). Half women. So that means probably 65-75% of White women voted “yes” on Issue ISIS.

It could be only half of them voted “yes” because of gang-rape fantasies, with the others simply believing the hoax and “oh my gawd it’s so sad that they’re poor” nonsense.

But whether driven by gang-rape fantasies or childlike feelings, one thing is clear: women shouldn’t be influencing politics.

It’s for their own good.

Because we as men have a duty to protect our women – and one of the main things they need protected from is themselves!


At least some of them are waking up to the fact that Moslem surprise sex isn’t as fun as they were told!