Majority Oppose Obama’s Gun-Grabbery

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 8, 2016


Who are these 47% that aren’t opposed to having their freedoms taken?

Well, 12% of the population is Black, 15% is Latino, 2% is Jew. That’s 29% of the population that will go along with anything. Then you have feminists


According to CNN, 54 percent of Americans said “no” when asked, “Do you favor or oppose Obama using executive orders to implement [gun controls]?” When asked if they believe Obama’s gun executive gun controls will be effective, 57 percent of Americans said they will not. This is the same assessment the New York Daily News gave of Obama’s executive gun controls when they observed that the key component of the controls was an expansion of the frequency of background checks. The News noted that the 15 most recent “mass killers” in America all passed background checks for their guns, so there is no real reason to believe requiring more background checks at more points of sale is going to change anything.

When CNN/ORC asked an overall question–“Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling gun policy?”–53 percent of Americans disapproved. And 55 percent said the “policies being proposed by Barack Obama will move the the wrong direction.”

The majority of respondents to the CNN/ORC poll were not gun owners. Only 40 percent said there is even a gun in their house.

But this is democracy: it is about being forced to do things you don’t want to do.

Related: What are Filthy Jews Saying About Obama’s Gun-Grabbery?