Making the Case for Trump 2020

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 1, 2019

I know a lot of people are down on Donald Trump, but the fact is, we have to support him in 2020 because we have no other choice.

Furthermore, a lot of right-wingers are exaggerating how bad Trump is. He is actually doing a lot of really good stuff.

Let’s look at the facts.

Socialism: The Looming Threat

Immigration is a big problem, but the even bigger threat to America is socialism.

Socialism has never worked in any country, and if we let socialism into America, it will be our death sentence.

The Green New Deal is for real coming, and if we don’t stop it, it will shut down our industry and make America not competitive in the global economy.

The fact is, with this new threat of socialism, we’re going to have to put immigration on the backburner and tackle the bigger problem, which is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a junior Congresswoman who wants to raise your taxes and force you to take a train to Hawaii. She will also force you to become a vegan.

Black Unemployment: Lowest Ever

People complain that Trump always talks about black unemployment numbers being the lowest ever, and that he doesn’t concern himself with white unemployment. However, the goal is to keep blacks employed to keep them from murdering us and raping our women.

Blacks having jobs might be the most important thing of all. They also pay taxes and help the GDP. This is probably why Trump released all of those violent crack dealers from prison: because now that the economy is good, they will get jobs and help the GDP. The most important thing is the GDP, so that we can be competitive with China.

Israel is Helping Us Fight Moslems

A lot of people hate Jews, but what they are really against is the left-wing Jews. Many Jews are right-wing and nationalists, and that is who Trump is supporting in Israel.

You can see now that America is being taken over by socialism that the socialist agents are against Israel. This is because the socialists are in league with the Moslems to bring down America.

Barrack Obama was a Moslem and a socialist, and so are the new breed of Democrats. There is evidence that AOC is herself a Moslem, which is why she wants to do the Green New Deal. When we shut down all of our air planes, it will be even easier for Moslems to fly airplanes into buildings.

Many Immigrants Will Help Trump Fight the Deep State

A recent polls showed that Central American immigrants overwhelmingly support Donald Trump and are against the Deep State.

Believe it or not, when the time comes for Trump to finally pull the trigger on the deep state – and that is coming soon – his strongest supporters will be Central American Aztec migrants.

The media is covering it up.

You also have to understand the way economics work: the most important thing is the GDP, because if the GDP drops below the threshold, we will be taken down by the Chinese communists. This is why we have to have all of these immigrants come in to work in factories. Maybe you can understand this in simple terms: the entire world is like a gigantic race to have the biggest ever GDP, and when you do not have the biggest GDP, you lose the race. That means if China wins, they take over the world, and you will be forced to have socialism.