Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2017
Here we find a Jew who states his name as “Gavin Wax” telling a frank tale of being stalked and sexually harassed by Laura Loomer.
He says that he met her for the first time in a professional setting, due to the fact that she worked at the time at Project Veritas and he worked at some other New York conservative organization, and that she began treating it like a date. He left the meeting, feeling she was crazy, and did not have further desire to communicate with her.
He alleges that she then began adding all of his friends and family on Facebook before trying to track him down in real life. She went places and talked to his friends, claiming that they had dated.
Eventually, she showed up in the lobby of his workplace and had to be escorted out. She then began, according to his account, showing up in bars where he was at and “running into him.”
When he continually refused her, she threatened him with “exposing him” as an Anti-Semite – of course, this wouldn’t work, because he himself is Jewish.
She eventually moved on to other victims when she became famous after her “Shakespeare in the Park” stunt with Jack Posobiec after having been hired by The Rebel Media.
He says she is unstable and preys on people and so should not be in a position of power.
Why a Jew Ratting Out Another Jew?
Presumably, this Jew in the video is telling this tale now – the video was posted over the weekend – because he sees that Loomer is imploding and would rather it not be a “Jewish thing.”
He is easily able to go public with this because he himself is a Jew and cannot be smeared with “Anti-Semite” accusations.
Presumably, as a Jew, he is also up on various Jew lawfare tactics and knew that he could not be sued for this.
This claim of threats of “exposing” a person of being an Anti-Semite if they do not date her fit in exactly with the /pol/ thread.
Screenshots of alleged messages with Loomer also back-up the theory that she gets very clingy and stalky with men.
We also have proof that Loomer is sexually aggressive, in the form of two videos of her drunk and going nuts.
UPDATE: video of Laura Loomer discussing her sexual exploits surfaces. Pulls pants down in front of Gavin McInnes .
— Nick Monroe (@nickmon1112) October 21, 2017
Interestingly, when she showed a screenshot of her computer on Twitter, she had a tab open reading “Why Isn’t He Responding? Three Rules For…”
So, the circumstantial and potential evidence that Laura Loomer is a vicious sex predator continues to pile up.
We have yet to see evidence that she raped Lauren Southern and/or Cassandra Fairbanks, but it is becoming more and more easy to believe that something like “rape” took place.
It seems that her modus operandus is to threaten to “expose” people, blackmailing them into taking her on dates and/or engaging in sexual acts.
Also very interesting to us here at the Daily Stormer is that like Harvey Weinstein, she has a specifically Jewish perviness.
Though there is so far one alleged Jewish victim, most of the victims appear to be goyim. What’s more, she talks about the fact that they are “Aryan” and gets off on this. We see that in the video of her drunk, where she refers to the victim as “like an Aryan … goddess.” This fixation with being a Jew with non-Jewish men also appears in the (unconfirmed) above screenshots of communications, where she says “at least our kids will have blonde hair” and “our babies will be Aryan Jews.”
Jews have a genuine self-hatred. They do have that. And Jewish women are known to be whores. This is the key reason that the Jewish lineage is matrilineal instead of patrilineal. Most societies, including white European society, have been patrilineal. Obviously, all women are whores and will take dick wherever they can find it, but European men were generally able to keep their sluts locked down. Jewish women, however, were such unbelievable whores, that the only way to confirm Jewishness was to go through the female line.
NOTE: It is also of relevance that Jews felt it extremely important to have a blood-link to Abraham, which is the other reason they went with matrilineal – it made more of a difference to their society if one of their guys got cucked than it did in white society, due to a belief that their race had an origin – that they could mix blood, but that they must maintain a link back to the original Jew. This feeds into various theories that their blood is “tainted” in some way that they find to be positive. In general, they do not care what race a Jew is mixed with as long as they can trace their heritage back to a specific Middle Eastern tribe.
We should also note that Loomer was not just ugly as a teenager, but also fat. So she was a Jewish sexual deviant who was obviously scorned by all of the goy-boys she wanted to engage in sex acts with, which potentially led to her now acting out a revenge fantasy against them, which, if the /pol/ thread is true, involves sexual degradation.
As such, it is not hard to imagine her feeling the same pleasure in degrading a female goy as she does in degrading a male goy, which means the allegations by Cassandra Fairbanks and Lauren Southern make a lot of sense.
There is also the possibility that when Cassandra and Lauren talked about “rape,” they were talking about male victims. I got the feeling they were saying that one or the other of them were abused by Southern, though it wasn’t clear.
Even if all of the victims are male, it’s going to be hard going for this kike.
I can feel that Loomer is about to go downstein like Weinstein.
The most important thing for us is to keep pointing out how Jewish this bitch is, and how Jewish her actions are. She is a figure in the Alt-Lite, and the main problem with the Alt-Lite is that it is run by Jews and Jewish tools, so they refuse to acknowledge the Jewish problem. Seeing that one of their own figures who turned out to be a sick pervert – just like Harvey Weinstein – is Jewish is bound to jog a few heads.