Malia Obama Smokes Marijuana at Lollapalooza, POTUS and MSM Silent

Daily Stormer
August 12, 2016


If Malia gets stoned and twerks all night long, it’s family tradition!

First of all, to avoid giving the appearance of hypocrisy and to be 100% honest with the readers (which is always my desire), I need to state that I have somewhat different views on drug policy than many Nationalists. This should come as no surprise to those of you who listen to Hidden Mysteries Radio, and it is irrelevant to this story, but I thought I’d throw it out there.

Last week video surfaced of Malia Obama twerking at a Lollapalooza concert.

But, as it turns out, her twerking is the least of it. Yesterday, Radar Online released video of Malia smoking marijuana at this same event.

My first question (which is, of course, merely rhetorical) is: Why are we not seeing this all over the mainstream media? Why is the only major news outlet covering this a celebrity gossip rag?

These questions become especially pertinent when one recalls how, whenever one of the Bush girls would have a beer at a barbecue joint in Austin or whatever, the MSM would have blaring stories that went pretty much like “the Bush daughters are drunken sluts and it’s so embarrassing to the United States of America.”

They did this constantly.


I’m no defender of the Bushes, but there’s definitely a double standard here. Can you imagine the media reaction if one of Glorious Leader’s daughters was caught smoking weed and shaking her ass like a baboon in heat at some drug-riddled hipsterfest?

And that’s exactly what she did. She even hiked her skirt up to give the crowd a clear view of the goods. Such as they are…

It’s good to be the African Dictator of America’s family, I guess. clintonrape

But it’s not just the racial double standard. As we all know, there is a hierarchy among the Cultural Marxists. Kind of a totem pole, and the more “special” your particular group is, the higher on the pole they are. These positions are constantly shifting, but the players themselves basically remain the same.

For example, the lying press asks Ivanka Trump to tell them what she thinks of her father’s treatment of women at least six million times a day, but have they ever once asked Chelsea Clinton what she thinks of her rapist father Bill’s treatment of women? Of course not. They are leftist elites, and anything they do is a-ok and you’re an evil misogynist racist hater of people for no good reason if you even bring it up.

But let’s get to the heart of the matter. Her father, who for some reason is President of the USA, loves the weed. He also loves the cocaine, or at least he did. He has admitted to using both, frequently and heavily. If he’d been caught and charged, he’d have never been eligible to run for president.

And he acts like it’s no big deal either. But now the chickens are coming home to roost. I wonder if he’s all open-minded about it now that he sees his little girl on video using illegal drugs and acting out sexually for a cheering crowd of thousands?

I suppose it might not bother him. Leftists have been very silly about the whole drug thing for decades. When I was a teenager, my best friend was a guy from California whose hippie parents told him “hey man, if you’re gonna use drugs, just use them here at the house, we won’t say anything. We’d rather you be safe at home stoned than out on the streets where you might get arrested, man.” In doing so, they basically encouraged us to use drugs.

The only thing I can say about their “enlightened, tolerant policy” is that my friend, their son, died alone in his home one night years ago of substance abuse, leaving behind a lovely wife and young son. So I guess it wasn’t all that safe at home, either.

It’s beyond irresponsible that the POTUS, who is supposed to set a moral example for the nation and be a role model for our kids, thinks that drug abuse is more akin to being a little naughty than the life-destroying, family-splitting, nation-wrecking problem it truly is.

What message do the youth of America get when they see Obama’s little princess twerking and smoking weed while being guarded by the Secret Service at taxpayer expense, with no consequences and basically no negative coverage?

It should always be the first priority of a nation’s leader to do whatever is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and well being of that nation’s children. Making kids think that substance abuse is just a cool way to have fun with your buddies at a twerk-out is one of the best ways I can think of to destroy an entire generation.

We can’t be rid of this disgraceful turd soon enough.
