Mama Merkel: Search Engines Biased Against Migrants

Daily Stormer
October 31, 2016


The evidence is in: Google is operated by Nazis.

There’s a grand conspiracy, by large internet corporations like Google, Facebook and Twitter, to push nationalist ideas and anti-migrant attitudes.

What they do is that they’ll influence search results and story suggestions to shape the common people’s perceptions towards Nazism.

This has been ongoing for a long time, unreported, unchallenged.

Until one woman finally had the courage to stand up and say, “enough is enough!”

The Guardian:

Angela Merkel has called on major internet platforms to divulge the secrets of their algorithms, arguing that their lack of transparency endangers debating culture.

The German chancellor said internet users had a right to know how and on what basis the information they received via search engines was channelled [sic] to them.

Speaking to a media conference in Munich, Merkel said: “I’m of the opinion that algorithms must be made more transparent, so that one can inform oneself as an interested citizen about questions like ‘what influences my behaviour on the internet and that of others?’.


“Ja, ja. Facebook. Shut it down.”

This dog of a woman is actually worried that facebook isn’t sufficiently biased in favor of her invasion agenda.

Let that sink in for a moment.

“Algorithms, when they are not transparent, can lead to a distortion of our perception, they can shrink our expanse of information.”

An algorithm is the formula used by a search engine to steer a request for information. They are different for every search engine, highly secret and determine the significance or ranking of a web page.

Merkel has joined a growing number of critics who have highlighted the dangers of receiving information that confirms an existing opinion or is recommended by people with similar ideas.

This is a development that we need to pay careful attention to,” she told the conference, adding that a healthy democracy was dependent on people being confronted by opposing ideas.


Nothing makes sense anymore…

I guess she means that the “conventional” ideas are racist and bigoted, and that people have to be exposed to new and fresh ideas… like multiculturalism, tolerance and anti-racism?

I mean, I’m having a hard time following her here.

“The big internet platforms, through their algorithms, have become an eye of a needle which diverse media must pass through [to access their users],” she said.

There has been increasing concern about so-called filter bubbles and echo chambers – the result of an internet search in which an algorithm supposes the information someone would like to see based on previous searches, as well as information it might have about their location or preferences – in the light of the growing strength of populist movements in Europe, the Brexit vote in the UK and the rise of Donald Trump in the US. This month, President Barack Obama’s former social media adviser Caleb Gardner highlighted the danger of filter bubbles – a phrase invented by the internet activist Eli Pariser.

“More likely than not, you get your news from Facebook,” Gardner told students at Northwestern University in Illinois. “Forty-four per cent of US adults get news on the site, and 61% of millennials … if that doesn’t frighten you, you don’t know enough about Facebook’s algorithm. If you have a parent who’s a Trump supporter, they are seeing a completely different set of news items than you are.

media brainwashing

We need to go back to the good old days of centralized TV news, when things were really objective.

Germany is a occupied state with 1984-style thought-crime laws.

But that’s not enough for Mama Merkel.

Internet companies are solidly in the hands of Jews and managed by rabid SJW’s. They actively conspire to twist news suggestions to push this liberal agenda and suppress nationalist stories.

But that’s not enough for Mama Merkel.

I guess she wants total, top-down state control of every trending story on all social media, as well as the power to customize the news feed of all German citizens to prevent them from having wrong thoughts.