Man Arrested at Daytona Beach Airport for Partying a Bit Too Hard

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2018

Daytona Beach is a place you go to party.

It’s okay to party – and to party hard.

But be careful – you don’t want to party too hard.

Fox News:

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that one suspect is in custody following a bomb scare at Daytona Beach International Airport that forced the evacuation of more than 200 passengers on Friday morning.

Sheriff Mike Chitwood said the man, identified as John Greenwood, entered the airport at around 6 a.m. clothed and with a bag. He entered a ladies bathroom that was still under construction, left the bag behind a hole in some sheetrock, and exited the restroom without any clothes.

The suspect then attempted to escape onto the tarmac via a baggage carousel, where he was Tasered and apprehended. The Volusia County Sheriff’s Department shared footage from the incident, which shows officers finding the suspect, asking him repeatedly to get on his stomach, and then Tasing when it appeared he was not complying.

Officers can also be heard asking what the suspect is “on” after he was apprehended.

Chitwood said the naked suspect yelled something to the effect of, “We gotta get out of here, I planted a bomb in the bathroom,” and footage shows the suspect saying something is going to “blow up.” Airport officials confirmed that the suspect had indeed stuffed something into the wall, and contacted the police and bomb squads.

A bomb unit confirmed the bag was not dangerous and performed a secondary sweep before allowing travelers to reenter the airport. They had been evacuated earlier to the short-term parking area.

Let this be a lesson to you.

Party on, dudes.

But don’t party so hard that you end up naked at the airport riding on a baggage belt and screaming about a fake bomb.

Because at that point, my friend: you have partied beyond the point of no return.

You need to learn your limits and have friends who can tell you “whoa dude, you might want to ease up, you’re lookin pretty rekt.”

And I Just Want to Add…

Yes, a third Bill & Ted film has been officially confirmed.

I’m skeptical, to say the least.

That said, Keanu has never been in a movie that was not good.

Seriously bro – name one.

nb4 the second and third Matrix films – those don’t count, obviously.


What is going on in society?

That these sorts of like, completely batshit events keep happening?

Like, this airport nude bomb hoax is actually way more insane than a mass shooting. It is just of lesser relevance because no one died.

I think it’s the Prozac… and possibly electromagnetic waves.

Or something worse.