Man Dies After Mexican Shits in His Food

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2018

Well, we’ve sadly got our first death from the E. coli outbreak caused by diversity of bowel movements in the lettuce industry.

Fox News:

Health officials reported the first death linked to a multi-state E. coli outbreak that’s been pinned to romaine lettuce grown in Arizona.

The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tallied 121 illnesses across 25 states, with 52 hospitalizations that include 14 cases of kidney failure.

The agency’s update indicated an uptick of 23 additional illnesses since April 27, and now includes cases in Kentucky, Massachusetts and Utah.

What we need is an education campaign to tell Mexicans not to take shits on people’s food.

You see, a person doesn’t naturally know that.

You might not remember this, but back in your elementary days you had to take an entire class called “why you don’t shit in people’s food.”

It continues to shock me that people expect these brown blank slates to simply know things like that.

It’s just like with the gang-rapes in Europe. These Moslems coming in never attended the “why you don’t grab random women off the street and gang-rape them” course, so how the hell are they supposed to know not to do that?

That’s how things are done, folks:




If the Republicans hadn’t cut the budget for illegal Mexican food-picker education, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.