Kimberly Paxton
Daily Sheeple
October 2, 2013

A man incited Chaos at a drunk driving checkpoint in Pennsylvania and is facing up to 7 years in prison for the felony.
Chaos, however, is a dog.
26 year old James Paul Andrews has been charged with “inciting chaos” at a checkpoint in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania by “barking, hissing and growling” at a K-9 named, well, Chaos.
The Butler Eagle reports Cranberry Township police filed the charge on Monday – which is a felony carrying up to seven years in prison – along with drunken driving and other charges.
Township Sgt. Chuck Mascellino says Myers and Chaos were assisting with the checkpoint when Andrews allegedly became irritated and began barking at the dog. (source)
The private prison business in the United States is booming because of silly charges like this.
Just look at what has happened to the U.S. prison population over the past several decades. Prior to 1980, there were virtually no private prisons in the United States. But since that time, we have seen the overall prison population and the private prison population absolutely explode.
For example, between 1990 and 2009 the number of Americans in private prisons grew by about 1600 percent.
Overall, the U.S. prison population more than quadrupled between 1980 and 2007. (source)
(Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize winning President Obama continues to drone children, yet, ironically, he remains free.)
When they aren’t busy trashing the Constitution, police departments have become little more than revenue generators, writing tickets, filling quotas, and enforcing meaningless regulations. Will you be the next victim of this “for-profit” policing?
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