Man Gives Birth to Stillborn Baby Because Doctors Don’t Know How to Deal with Current Year Pregnancies

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2019

Man? Woman? Just a human.

One self-evident thing about current year is that we’re past distinctions of male and female, man or woman, white or black and documented or undocumented. People are just people and humans are just humans — there’s only one race: the human race.

But only in theory. Because in practice bigotry is still a thing. Reality is still racist and patriarchal, so we have to constantly fight it in order to uphold the progress we’ve made in the realm of ideas.

When reality wins the battle, babies die.

We have to fight harder.


When the man arrived at the hospital with severe abdominal pains, a nurse didn’t consider it an emergency, noting that he was obese and had stopped taking blood pressure medicines. In reality, he was pregnant — a transgender man in labor that was about to end in a stillbirth.

The tragic case, described in Wednesday’s New England Journal of Medicine, points to larger issues about assigning labels or making assumptions in a society increasingly confronting gender variations in sports , entertainment and government . In medicine, there’s a similar danger of missing diseases such as sickle cell and cystic fibrosis that largely affect specific racial groups, the authors write.

“The point is not what’s happened to this particular individual but this is an example of what happens to transgender people interacting with the health care system,” said the lead author, Dr. Daphna Stroumsa of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

He was rightly classified as a man” in the medical records and appears masculine, Stroumsa said. “But that classification threw us off from considering his actual medical needs.”

The 32-year-old patient told the nurse he was transgender when he arrived at the emergency room and his electronic medical record listed him as male. He hadn’t had a period in several years and had been taking testosterone, a hormone that has masculinizing effects and can decrease ovulation and menstruation. But he quit taking the hormone and blood pressure medication after he lost insurance.

She was rightly classified as the man that she most definitely without a shadow of a doubt is, of course. The problem is that while this is current year, we continue to operate using patriarchal definitions of words that have come to mean whatever we want them to mean because we’ve deconstructed their phallic origins and built something more inclusive on top of their remains.

Society has to update its definitions.

Our words and ideas are okay. Men can have vaginas and be pregnant. Women can have penises and beards. That’s not the issue here.

The issue is a lack of will to accommodate Progress, and the solution — as always — is more Progress.

People should start carrying documents around detailing the up-to-date list of organs they have in their bodies. This is beyond words, genders, sex and genitals. This is about medicine and Progress.

Transgender men who haven’t removed their pregnancy organs would have them listed on the personal document that doctors would ask for in every visit.

It will save lives.

A home pregnancy test was positive and he said he had “peed himself” — a possible sign of ruptured membranes and labor. A nurse ordered a pregnancy test but considered him stable and his problems non-urgent.

Several hours later, a doctor evaluated him and the hospital test confirmed pregnancy. An ultrasound showed unclear signs of fetal heart activity, and an exam revealed that part of the umbilical cord had slipped into the birth canal. Doctors prepared to do an emergency cesarean delivery, but in the operating room no fetal heartbeat was heard. Moments later, the man delivered a stillborn baby.

A woman showing up with similar symptoms “would almost surely have been triaged and evaluated more urgently for pregnancy-related problems,” the authors wrote.

“It’s a very upsetting incident, it’s a tragic outcome,” said Dr. Tamara Wexler, a hormone specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Medical training should include exposure to transgender patients” so health workers are better able to meet their needs, Wexler said. “A lot of doctors who are practicing didn’t have that in their training” but can still learn from such patients now.

Nic Rider, a transgender health specialist and psychologist at the University of Minnesota, said training isn’t enough.

There are implicit biases that need to be addressed,” Rider said.

We have to destroy those implicit biases. All doctors should be trained to deal with men who are women and women who are men because transgenders being a minority is no reason not to change the current body of accumulated medical knowledge to accommodate the whims of mentally ill people.

I mean… to accommodate real manly men and their particular medical needs stemming from the presence of a vagina in their bodies.

Buck Angel, a manly man born with a vagina

Loren Cameron, a manly man also born with a vagina

Injecting magic testosterone has magic effects. You can check any YouTube video about female-to-male transitions if you’re not convinced.

See? Testosterone.

About the dead baby though… good thing it died. Can you imagine the monstrous mutations it may have developed later in life after being exposed to its mother’s testosterone injections and dementia?

That whole “transition” thing can’t be good for the unfortunate babies growing inside.