January 4, 2014

A Houston man was nearly dragged to his death over some Jay Z concert tickets he was trying to sell, according to court documents.
The victim posted an ad for eight tickets on Craigslist. He later met two women at a Starbucks on Durham who said they wanted to buy them.
The man leaned into the women’s car to show them the tickets and the passenger, 20-year-old Cessica Darden, grabbed them, police say.
The driver, identified as 20-year-old Denitra Green, then tried to speed away with the victim still partially inside the car.
Green kept going, while Darden repeatedly kicked the victim who was still hanging on to the door handle, investigators said.
The man begged them to stop as they sped down Durham. He finally lost his grip and fell. The vehicle ran over him and kept going with Darden’s baby in the back seat.
The victim was hospitalized with several broken bones, crushed fingers and severe road rash on his face and body. He may need plastic surgery and may lose the use of his fingers, according to court documents.
The victim has been hospitalized since the Dec. 15 incident.
Witnesses gave police the suspects’ license plate number and they traced the vehicle to Green.
The victim and witnesses later identified Green in a photo lineup.
Police went to the Jay Z concert and found both women in the seats that the victim bought.
The suspects admitted they met the victim at the Starbucks, but claimed they paid for the tickets.
Green and Darden are charged with aggravated robbery. Green is being held on a $30,000 bond. Police say Darden is not in custody.