Daily Stormer
June 5, 2014

A man who was being harassed by local officials over minor building code violations has painted his entire house as an American flag.
In late February, the city received a complaint about a live Christmas tree that was placed on the family home of Brent Greer at 3102 Riverview Drive.
The tree had fallen over, and Greer complied with a code enforcement officer’s request to remove the tree, which was followed up by code enforcement in early May. It was during that visit that Greer said the situation became unacceptable.
“That’s when he told me, ‘We aren’t done,’ ” said Greer. “He said he had other issues. And keep in mind, this was said during the post-inspection for the tree. I asked what the issues were, and he said he forgot his list.”
Among the issues that were cited to Greer were that his house was not painted sufficiently to “city standards,” and that there were children’s toys in the yard.
Greer and his wife are the adoptive parents of seven children and also serve as foster parents. “So there are up to 10 or 11 children in the house at a time,” Greer said. “Of course there are toys on the lawn.”
But Bradenton Code Compliance Manager Volker Reiss said city code violations found at the house were many and substantial, including mold, mildew and bare wood showing on the structure, chipped and peeling paint, an accumulation of trash, exposed wires and decaying supporting members of a balcony railing.
Greer acknowledges that due to the age of his home, there are issues that he needs to stay on top of, but denies that his home looked dilapidated prior to painting. He said he understands the need for code enforcement, but believes the city should focus more on abandoned properties that are blighting neighborhoods, “rather than my family home.”
As foster parents, the Greers are under consistent scrutiny from the state. Greer said he has never had an issue from the state as to the condition of his home or property.
“My seven kids are far more a priority than what the city thinks the standard of my house is,” said Greer.
Greer said the incident left him bewildered and angry. As an American living in the same home he grew up in and bought by his grandmother in the 1950s, Greer said he has essentially been “threatened” by the city with a $250 per day fine just because “someone doesn’t like the way my house looked.”
Greer’s neighborhood is not a deed-restricted community, so he does not answer to a homeowners association.
So he and two of his children opened cans of red, white and blue paint and commenced to turn the front of his home into an American flag.
“Just because somebody drives by and decides they don’t like the look of my house?” Greer asked. “I thought this was the best way to remind people that this is still America.”
His growing saga with the city has taken on a life of its own via social media. Dozens of people “liked” a photo of his newly painted home on Facebook, and there were several comments in support of Greer.
The neighborhood seems to be behind the Greers, as well.
Here, Greer explains.