Manchester Police Say Male Rape Reports Have Doubled in the Last Year

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2015


Police in Greater Manchester have stated that reports of male rape have more than doubled over the last year.

The Independent:

Since April 2014, men have been victims of 84 incidents of rape or attempted rape, compared to 35 in the previous 12 months.

Sexual assaults on men have also risen, from 69 to 93 in the same periods.

GMP and Survivors Manchester, a group that helps men who have been raped or sexually abused, have launched a poster campaign aimed at men who have been the victims of rape, urging them to come forward and break the silence.

Police believe that many incidents go unreported by victims.

Detective Inspector Damian Simpson from GMP’s Serious Sexual Offences Unit said: “Rape is a difficult subject to talk about and we appreciate that coming forward is never easy.”

“We know that male rape is heavily under-reported and want to reach out to men and let them know that help is available.”

“As the poster says, we’re here for you and will never judge you.”

I’m not quite sure what to think of this. I wouldn’t doubt that an increase in diversity would lead to an increase in sick faggot behaviors, but is gay-rape an actual thing? How is it physically possible? Without getting too graphic here, the gay-rapist would have to be carrying with him some sort of lube. And maybe gay-rapists do that, I don’t know.

But it seems to me that a campaign to “bring attention” to gay-rape could be part of an agenda to emasculate men. At the same time, if men are actually reporting this, than who’s to say?

I wouldn’t put it past these filthy Pakis.

Very weird news, which comes with some very weird posters.

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