Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2014

I am aware that it is no longer funny to post the Sunday Round-Up on Mondays. In fact, I don’t think it was ever funny in the first place. So this week’s Sunday-on-a-Monday round-up has it’s own very special name.
I was meaning to post this all last week, having written some parts of it already but being too busy to finish and came up with different names for most days of the week. I shall share them.
Tornado Tuesday
Windy Wednesday
Thundering Thursday/Tsunami Thursday (not actually alliteration due to silent t, I am aware; still good though)
Firestorm Friday
Cyclone Saturday
But Monday?
This is the best I could do.
Well. Tally-ho then.
White Nationalism vs. Nationalism vs. Whatever Other Idea
There is an long-running misunderstanding about what White Nationalism means, and it is mainly an American misunderstanding.
Sometimes we post things critical of the invasion of Britain by Slavs and other Eastern Europeans, for instance, and people complain that we are being anti-White in some way. This is folly, and I feel it is mostly Americans who don’t understand the European situation who give these complaints. I in no way endorse the mixing of the different White nations, at least not in mass or by unnatural processes, and don’t feel anyone else should either.

A certain woman who will remain unnamed (note: her name is Carolyn Yeager) has portrayed “White Nationalism” as some type of plot to combine all of the nations of Europe into some sort of mixed-up mess, but I have not come into contact with anyone who intends this, other than the people who we know who intend this, such as Norman Lowell and maybe some other people who I don’t think about. I certainly do not intend this. Some Americans might intend this, but their opinions are not particularly relevant to European politics.
My personal opinion, which I believe most all European nationalists would agree with, is that freedom of movement should be allowed across Europe, but not freedom of employment. And it goes without saying (one would hope) that no foreigner should ever be able to collect welfare benefits from another country. This would mean the only time a Eastern European was in Western Europe would be when they either have the money to go there on vacation or live there without working, or when they have been specifically granted a work permit because they have some skill which is needed by a Western European country.
“White Nationalism” as a popular term has issues, but it makes sense to use it in America, given that America has for a long time considered itself a “proposition nation,” and we do have Blacks who are definitely “American” in that they have been here for hundreds of years. So when we say “White Nationalism,” we are distinguishing it from civic nationalism, which would include Blacks. In Europe, the term also makes some sense if it is used in reference to all European nationalist movements, combined with those of the diaspora – we have a unified agenda to keep our nations White and nationalist.

With the issue of Polish and Romanians and whoever else in Britain – the most obvious place this issue comes up – commenters will often say “well, they’re not as bad as the non-Whites!” This is, of course, a serious understatement. Eastern European immigrants cannot even be compared to immigrants from Africa or the Middle East or Asia. Of course they are infinity times better. But that doesn’t mean that the English deserve to have their identity crushed by millions of people from other European countries. Nor do they deserve to have their wages driven down, to be displaced by people speaking different languages in their own communities.
These movements are also not good for the Eastern European countries themselves, as they keep them from developing by removing all intelligent and/or young people. It doesn’t benefit anyone in any way, save poor Eastern people in the very short term.
Presently, we are sending hundreds of billions of dollars to idiot African savages for free, while issuing loans to struggling European countries. We could very easily use this aid money presently going to the apes to help Eastern European countries develop a bit.
How much they actually want to develop isn’t clear to me, and that is a complicated issue. I don’t think any Eastern or Southern European countries actually have the desire to develop to the level that Anglo and Germanic countries are developed to. In my experience, Southern and Eastern European people like a slower pace of living, which also means less or slower development.
At the same time, communism in Eastern Europe inhibited development to a certain extent, and so it isn’t fair to assume they don’t want to develop. Anyway, each country would have to be looked at and dealt with individually. Hungary and Czech are now basically as developed as a Western European country, and though Western Europe helped them get there, it was very much on their own initiative. A country such as Bulgaria does not seem as interested in rapid development. Spain and Italy, for their part, definitely would prefer to keep their pace of living with slightly less material abundance than Germany or Britain, from what I’ve seen.
One thing the EU has succeeded in proving is that European nations each have a distinct soul, and that attempts to standardize these nations are simply destructive and apparently have no upside.

As I say, I think most of our European readers understand all of this. We have had a few Polish people complain that we are anti-Polish because we don’t think millions of Polish people have a right to go work in London and send the money back to Poland, but no Polish commenters have explained why they would have such a right or who gave it to them. I absolutely have nothing against Polish people, but England should be for the English, just as Poland should be for the Polish.
The issue of American ethnicity is more complicated, but I believe we have become a distinct race, having bred with one another for a couple hundred years. More needs to be written on that, but the issues we have getting along with Canadians – a geographically close nation with an almost identical history – seems to demonstrate that we are a very distinct people. And we will continue the process of becoming a pure ethnic group if we are given the time. All European people have the same origin, and each group broke off from another, mixed with different other groups, created a folkish identity over the course of generations. Americans are simply still in the process of doing this.

Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch
The publicity we have gotten from our operation against the filthy Jew bitch Luciana Berger has been incredible. We have had multiple British MPs and the head of the labor party come out and say Twitter must be shut down.

It is incredibly satisfying to see them flipping out that there is nothing they can do to stop anonymous individuals from voicing their political opinions on the internet.
They are saying threats were made against Berger, which would of course be illegal and obviously condemned by me and this site itself, but they haven’t elaborated. The Telegraph reported that police have told Berger not to walk home alone because someone from the internet might try and get her. It is a very pathetic way to spin all of this – that being made fun of on the internet means your life is in danger – but it was to be expected. They don’t have any other way of dealing with this.
Originally, Garron Helm was jailed for offending her by calling her a Jew, and no one was claiming her life was in danger. So, in some way, it might be positive that they are trying to spin this into “the internet is coming for her in real life,” given that it may indicate they are backing away from the position that it is illegal to make fun of a politician if that politician happens to be Jewish.
There has been a calm for the last 48 hours or so, no new media stories save a couple repeating what has already been reported. We’ll see what happens next.
I am deeply offended that the Jewish media is not naming me more. I always name them, you’d think they could return the favor.
Another Disclaimer: The Daily Stormer and its publisher Andrew Anglin absolutely condemn violence, both real and threatened, and have zero desire to see any harm come to Luciana Berger, Jews in general or any other person or people. Or peoples. Nor do we have a desire to “incite” anyone to violence, which is why we are constantly posting disclaimers saying we are against all forms of violence both real and threatened. This is not merely a legal disclaimer (though it obviously is that also), but a genuine expression of an ideological framework within which there is no place for rebellious forms of violence against individuals. Berger herself is the only person in this situation who has been responsible for violence, using the British government to break into the home of Garron Helm, restrain and imprison him. The idea that we are then vaguely accused of violence (I say “vaguely” because so far neither I nor this site have specifically been accused of threatening Berger, but the same news reports include in the same sentence as they mention us the allegation that she has been threatened by someone, thereby associating the threats with us even though they admit we are non-violent and actively opposed to the use of violence against political enemies) is obscene. Members of National Action should be warned by the British police not to go home alone as they may be swat-teamed and locked in a cage by Luciana Berger’s private army, AKA the British police.
A Painting and a Poem

The above painting is inspired by a poem by Heinrich Heine called “The Sphinx.”
It is about a woman destroying a man entirely and this process being enjoyable for the man. Happens to the best of us.
Here is that poem.
This is the old enchanted wood,
Sweet lime trees scent the wind;
The glamor of the moon has cast
A spell upon my mind.
Onward I walk, and as I walk–
Hark to that high, soft strain!
That is the nightingale, she sings,
Of love and of love’s pain.
She sings of love and of love’s pain,
Of laughter and of tears.
So plaintive her carol, so joyous her sobs,
I dream of forgotten years.
Onward I walk, and as I walk,
There stands before mine eyes
A castle proud on an open lawn,
Whose gables high uprise.
With casements closed, and everywhere
Sad silence in court and halls,
It seemed as though mute death abode
Within those barren walls.
Before the doorway crouched a sphinx,
Half horror and half grace;
With a lion’s body, a lion’s claws,
And a woman’s breast and face.
A woman fair! The marble glance
Spake wild desire and guile.
The silent lips were proudly curled
In a confident, glad smile.
The nightingale, she sang so sweet,
I yielded to her tone.
I touched, I kissed the lovely face,
And lo, I was undone!
The marble image stirred with life,
The stone began to move;
She drank my fiery kisses’ glow
With panting thirsty love.
She well nigh drank my breath away;
And, lustful still for more,
Embraced me, and my shrinking flesh
With lion claws she tore.
Oh, rapturous martyrdom! ravishing pain!
Oh, infinite anguish and bliss!
With her horrible talons she wounded me,
While she thrilled my soul with a kiss.
The nightingale sang: “Oh beautiful sphinx.
Oh love! what meaneth this?
That thou minglest still the pangs of death
With thy most peculiar bliss?
Thou beautiful Sphinx, oh solve for me
This riddle of joy and tears!
I have pondered it over again and again,
How many thousand years!
But nevermind all that. Because White people have no cultures. The only people with cultures are Muslims and Black people.

These are the true and authentic cultures, all you have are paintings and poems and symphonies. Where are the mud huts? Where is the face paint? Where is the carrying of things on the head? The lip plates? Face it White goyim, your “culture” is nothing more than a hoax mainly stolen from Black people.
Regarding the Neo-Nazi Label

The media and the SPLC and Colin Liddell are referring to us as “Neo-Nazis,” and I have been rolling this word around in my head, trying to decide how I feel about it.
Basically, I think the word itself is accurate. Etymologically. We are adherents of the basic principles of National Socialism, yet we are not Germans and we have no Hitler, so we are a new form of this idea. I have always preferred the term “fascist,” as it is less specific, and though it has negative connotations, those negative connotations are… less specific. “Neo-Nazi” just invokes all these images of prison gangs, that curbing scene in American History X, punk rock music and so on.
“Fascist” seems to just be associated with people who are against democracy, feminism, Jews, etc. That is why they can call Muslims “fascists.” You don’t really hear them calling them Neo-Nazis (though I have seen that before, to be fair). They talk about Islam as a “fascist” ideology, meaning it is patriarchal and authoritarian. The image invoked of patriarchal authoritarianism, which can obviously take many forms as the word can be used to describe men in White men Hugo Boss suits and brown men in robes with towels wrapped around their heads, is preferable to the curbing scene in that stupid film.

Also, though I can say “I’m a fascist” with a straight face, it would be much more difficult to say “I’m a Neo-Nazi.” Maybe “I’m a Nazi” is workable.
Anyway, it is best if we are able to take the media memes and turn them around, so I am working through this term.
My conclusion: I think we can use it jokingly, which then nullifies their use of it without us having to refer to ourselves as this in a serious context.
Coming Collapse SJW Movement

The recent “Jew woman street harassed by Negroes” viral YouTube video has highlighted the instability of the Social Justice Movement.
What SJWs have done is bring together a bunch of different groups that have nothing in common beyond a perceived victimhood and a hatred for White males. The video, and the resulting drama, showed how ridiculous it is for feminists to align themselves with Black men, as Black men are misogynistic and have absolutely no interest in changing.
The other groups combined under the Social Justice banner also hate each other – Blacks hate gays because they don’t like faggotry, they hate immigrants because they invade their neighborhoods and cause gang wars. Gays hate Blacks and immigrants because they bring down the level of culture and civility. Immigrants hate gays and Blacks for the same reason Blacks hate gays and immigrants. All the different groups of immigrants hate each other for a whole bunch of different reasons.
The whole thing is a complete mess. But somehow, they have managed to all work together on some level, bonded solely by a desire to displace the people who created everything around them: White men.

It would obviously be very good for us if all of our enemies were to be turned against one another, and this is a goal of activism which I believe is very doable. Particularly it is doable to attack feminists and confuse them, as they are already so deeply confused. They are the only group among the members of the Social Justice coalition who are actively acting against their own interests, which in itself makes clear how psychologically volatile they are.
What is needed here is a…
Troll Forum
I am aware I missed the deadline for the Troll forum, which was yesterday. This is an issue I have, thinking I can do more than is actually physically possible to do. However, we are well on our way.

We are going to do a beta version first, with only members who are already vetted by having been involved with the site.
Anyone who has posted here for a least six weeks and made at least ten posts can apply for membership by sending me an email at with the heading “STORMER TROLL FORUM.” Give me the name you want to use, and when we are ready, I will send you the login info.
More information on this in a few hours.
This is the first round-up in two weeks, so the first time in that many days that I’ve asked for donations. When I don’t ask, they tend to come a lot less, though I do hate asking.
Here is the page with all of the donation information.
Matterik, General Comments Section Drama
I banned Matterik (Mattias however-you-spell-his-last-name). I didn’t really understand why he needed banned, as he clearly wasn’t purposefully trolling but simply has mental problems. I have known him on the internet for ten years, and have found him to say many interesting and hilarious things. Here’s a recent comment he made with a new account after he was banned (this account now also banned) on the post about the FoD parody of the Jewess street walker:

I think people were mostly unnecessarily cruel to him, given it is clear he isn’t quite all there, though a lot of the fake quotes were very funny. Personally, I felt he added something with his weirdness, but it seemed that most people had a hard time not taking him seriously, and entire comments sections were being taken over by discussions about him.
Then he started spamming his manifesto. I really like his manifesto. Seriously, go read it. It’s nuts.
Not all nonsense either.
Here’s an excerpt:
Promiscuity is not a problem for the survival of the human species.
Sexual promiscuity leads to the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases, some deadly like HIV/AIDS.
Some perceive this as a problem but it is not a problem for the human species since some human beings will survive this.
The surviving minority will have more suitable immune system or more suitable sexual behavior or both. As you can see this is a self regulatory mechanism that works in favor for humanity as a species.
Some drugs cause addiction. Addictions imprison the minds of people.
I still wonder about people who complain about the world and take drugs at the same time. These people should deal with their drug addiction instead. Or at least be open about that they have a drug addiction to the world, wether it is benzo, cannabis, crystal meth or alcohol.
Fighting for freedom and continuing with a drug addiction is counter-intuitive. But it is not my problem.
Whereas we are concerned about the next twenty years, Matterik is concerned about the next 6 billion years. He understands we need a sustainable space pod like the Starship Enterprise. Regrettably, he has decided to view “humanity” as a single organism, rather than distinct species (that issue about the plural of species again here); thus, he would allow different races to mix, and thus bring about a situation where no one is ever going to be capable of building the needed space capsule.

His manifesto doesn’t even address race, though it is obvious that if your goal is an advanced sustainable capsule, you are gonna wanna keep things pretty White, as I don’t think any logical thinking person could argue Blacks or Mexicans are going to design any high tech space travel machines any time soon. He says that nothing matters unless it affects the possibility to creating a sustainable capsule, but the thing that effects that most is the invasion by non-Whites, orchestrated by Jews.
It seems obvious to me that if your goal is to build an advanced sustainable capsule in the next couple billion years, you need fascism now in Europe. Give Blacks a trillion years and they won’t have invented the wheel. It is unclear why this isn’t clear to Matterik.
As far as general comment drama and such – I don’t really read a lot of comments. I try, but I get pretty burned out after writing as much as I do. So, when people send me emails about the comments drama, I don’t usually have any idea what they’re talking about. I was aware of Matterik because he commented so much.
I feel very much that very many people take the comments section way too seriously. It is just a place for people to be able to speak their mind, whatever it is, on issues. You don’t know any of these people, I would assume, so there is no reason you should let them work you up.
However, if I do get a lot of email requests asking me to ban someone, I do it. Regrettably, people do send me emails about people they don’t like in the comments section, but often fail to send me information about comments which are illegal/calling for violence or murder.
Speaking of Email
I cannot hardly read all of this email, it is out of control. You would be amazed at the number of people who send me emails which basically amount to asking me to Google things for them. I am amazed by this. I am also amazed by people who send me bullet-point lists of a dozen questions and demand I answer them. Hate mail amazes me less, as that is to be expected.
Sven is taking the brunt of it, since he is dealing with the stormersubs email address. And I am still overwhelmed. It is regrettable that I get so much crap from people complaining and demanding things, as some of the email I get is very good and useful, but the whole box is such a mess I hardly even bother with it anymore. So, if you’re angry I didn’t respond to your email, it is probably because I didn’t read it. I don’t really know what else to say about this, other than that I just simply do not have the time. I am not complaining here, it is just basic science that there are only so many hours in the day, and for humans, a certain number of those hours must be spent sleeping and moving around.
Ideally, I would have some sort of assistant to go through these emails and bring me the important issues, as the popularity of this site has made it something on the scale of a major business. But my business model is that this isn’t a business so there isn’t any money.
Paleo Diet

Recent discussions of vegetarianism in the comments sections of a couple articles have prompted me to promote my second religion, which is the paleo diet.
If you are not on this diet, and you are over the age of 25, you need to join our cult immediately – your very life may depend on it. Even if you are under 25, you should do it, so you are prepared when you become an ancient 30-year-old like me.
The basic idea is that humans evolved for a certain diet in the paleolithic era, and that when civilization began, in order to sustain a massive sedentary population, they started eating grain. Our bodies have never adapted to grain, and still desire the natural diet, which was mainly meat and vegetables, as well as some fruits.
At present, if you are in a Western developed country, you can afford meat. You should eat it, constantly. Meat and vegetables.

Here’s a simple list of dos and don’ts.
Do Eat:
Meat – cow, pig, fish not so much chicken (maybe once a week).
Vegetables – all green vegetables, most other vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, etc.), just not the starchy carby ones; no need for corn and potatoes and only sparingly.
Eggs – always eat eggs.
Fruits – only fruits which grew in the areas where White people lived, as a rule. So apples, pears, grapes, cherries, etc. Bananas are useless, as are the rest of the sugary tropical fruits like mangos (the only useful mango is a neo-Nazi blouse). Avocados are good, but that obviously isn’t a sugary fruit.
Carbs – when you first go on the diet, you shouldn’t eat any carbs for a month. After the first month, you should eat them whenever you get a serious craving, which for me is about every five days. When this happens, I eat either one cup of white rice (not brown rice, which is a poison) or some potatoes. Nuts are also a good option, though only real nuts, not legumes like peanuts. Occasionally I’ll do trail mix, and just try to find the one with the least peanuts.
Cooking oils – Butter is best as it doesn’t oxidize at high temperatures. If you are cooking at low temperatures, coconut or olive oil is okay. You can also save animal fats and use them, if you’re into complex operations such as that.
Alcohol – Vodka is best. Best to mix the vodka with tonic if you want to mix it with anything, but if you are not a drunk, a little bit of Coke or juice for flavor is not a huge deal. Red wine sparingly.
Don’t Eat:
Bread – no bread is safe to eat. It should really not be eaten ever, save for on Thanksgiving or Christmas or some such special date.
Sugary anything – there is absolutely no need for sweets of any kind. Self disapline here. If you get a craving for sugar, as some people do, satisfy it with fruit. Even very sugary fruits like mangos are better than processed sugar cane or HFCS. Dark chocolate without added sugar may also satisfy cravings.
Processed foods – processed foods are horrible, but if you follow this plan, there isn’t any option for them anyway.
Other pointless carbs – pasta is useless, oats and other grains, brown rice, processed potatoes, etc. – again, if you have to have carbs, get a gluten-free one, the best being white rice and white potatoes.
Beans – don’t eat beans.
Dairy products – other than butter, most dairy products cause inflammation and other problems. I love cheese, and if I do cheat that is where I cheat, but it is not healthful.
Cooking oils – most cooking oils are poisons and should not be consumed under any circumstance. See dos list for appropriate oils. This is the one that makes it difficult to eat at restaurants; always ask about oils, and ask them to switch them out for butter.
Alcohol – beer is a horrible product, apparently designed to make people fat and sloppy. Regrettably, this is simply the situation. A couple times a month won’t kill you, but I strongly advise making your relaxation/social beverages strong liquor – vodka and tequila are best.
This works for every individual. If you are overweight, you will lose weight, even if you don’t go to the gym, while eating until you are full (you should always eat until you’re full, your body knows what it is doing when it tells you you’re still hungry). If you do go to the gym – which you should do – you should eat until you can’t fill yourself any further, and you will gain weight (mass) quickly.
There are many blogs about this, but it has been a very long time since I’ve read any of them. If you want more information – and you should – just Google “paleo diet.” Maybe some other paleo cult members can suggest the better blogs in the comments section.
Glad I got this out of the way, it is important. Maybe I’ll take the above and make it into a longer article to post on its own, but I just wanted to get it out there.
Animal Rights

Just to be clear, I do support animal rights, and do not think undue suffering should be caused to any living thing (even Jews). However, vegetarianism is taking a true concept – that animals should not be treated badly – and making it ridiculously extreme.

Animals eat other animals, and we are an animal. A core concept of the liberal ideology is that we are not animals, somehow above them, and this gives us the right to start screwing with the natural order. We are a part of nature, and in our natural evolutionary development we because adapted to the consumption of flesh. Refusing to engage the natural order does not make it stop existing, it simply makes one incapable of properly functioning. This applies to all aspects of life, but is most visible in the realm of health.
I am aware of only one issue which I disagree with Hitler on, and this is it.
Though Hitler did eat eggs, and I suppose if you eat enough of those, you could technically cut out meat and still be okay. Still, I wouldn’t recommend it.

That’s All, Folks
I’m done.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin