Maria Not on Interpol’s Missing Child List

October 22, 2013

She does not look Bulgarian to me.

The young girl found living with a couple who are not her biological parents in a Roma camp in central Greece last week is not on Interpol’s list of missing children, the Greek Police told Skai on Tuesday.

The child, who is aged between 5 and 6 and has come to be known as “Maria,” is not on the international agency’s list of 610 missing children, DNA findings have confirmed.

The finding has led local authorities to believe that the most likely scenario is that Maria ended up at the Roma camp in Farsala, central Greece, following a crackdown on illegal adoptions in neighboring Bulgaria in the 2008-2010 period.

The Roma couple charged with Maria’s abduction have insisted that the child was left in their care by a Bulgarian Roma couple, which local authorities are now trying to trace.

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