Marine Le Pen Hails Europe of Nations, Vows to Pull France Out of Eurozone

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2017

So lately it’s looking like Marine Le Pen may indeed have a chance in this year’s French Presidential election.

I hope that she is speaking with Steve Bannon. That guy knows what he’s doing.

Daily Express:

MARINE Le Pen has pledged to withdraw France from the eurozone if she is sworn in as the country’s new president in May.

The Front National leader, who, according to polls, is set to waltz through the first round of voting, told the French radio station Europe 1 that the euro had “failed miserably”.

Mrs Le Pen said that the single currency, which was introduced in France in January 2002, had triggered a general increase in prices and substantially eroded the purchasing power of households.

She then suggested that Europe returns to a basket of recognised national currencies, which would be linked though a common currency system like the European Currency Unit (Ecu) in a bid to “soften” the economic impact.

Mrs Le Pen believes that doing so would allow France to re-introduce the franc, while maintaining economic relationships with eurozone countries.

The hardline leader said one French franc would be worth the same as one euro.

She said: “Households will no longer have access to the euro.

“French people will use one currency – the franc – and nothing else.

“We are, however, willing to negotiate a monetary cooperation with other European countries, but this is something that would only concern companies and the government.”

The traditionalist said France was the “victim of monetary dumping” from the EU and that the country had suffered a “loss of competitiveness” as a result.

Citing International Monetary Fund (IMF) data, Mrs Le Pen added that the French euro was “overvalued” by around 15 per cent, before adding that the single currency was “killing France”.

She is also, of course, pushing for an exit from the EU itself.

If France leaves, the EU is over.

In many ways, the French election is the most important happening of 2017.