Marine Le Pen: The EU is Already Collapsing in on Itself

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2016

epa03954140 French right-wing party Front National (FN) deputy Marion Marechal-Le Pen attends the party's convention to prepare the 2014 Municipals elections in Paris, France, 17 November 2013. EPA/YOAN VALAT

This is not Marine Le Pen. It is the Le Pen we like posting pictures of.

Despite the problems she has – in particular, the horrible treatment of her own brilliant father – I continue to support Marine Le Pen as President of France.

Because there aren’t any other options.

But did you guys know she denounced Our Glorious Leader for his kebab removal plan?



Her dad endorsed him, by the way.


The EU is on the brink of collapse, as two of its main “pillars” are “crumbling” despite the billions of euros spent on keeping the structure from falling, far-right French leader Marine Le Pen told RT, adding that the union would fail if France left it.

“I believe that the European Union is in the process of collapsing on itself for one simple reason. The two pillars on which it’s founded – Schengen and the euro – are in the process of crumbling,” Le Pen told Marie De Douhet of RT France in an exclusive interview. “So they’re in a sort of mad downward spiral in which they’re capable of anything today to try and keep this building standing.”

The leader of France’s hard-right Front National party believes the collapse is not a matter of “if” but “when,” saying the EU “shines from the light of a dead star” while its leaders are struggling to play for time “at the cost of billions trying to hold this structure up.”

As a “revealing” piece of evidence supporting her opinion, Le Pen cited one of Brussels’ recent punitive measures.

“The threat of condemnation of countries which do not accept migrants – a €250,000 fine for each migrant not taken in – is in itself revealing,” Le Pen said.

The European Commission unveiled plans earlier in May to impose a penalty of around €250,000 per rejected refugee on countries that refuse to share the burden of Europe’s migrant crisis.

For countries such as Poland, which is adamantly opposed to taking in refugees, the new compulsory measure would result in a fine of over €1 billion ($1.1 billion), given its existing quota of 6,500 people.

“The threats, the blackmail, now used systematically by the European Union is, above all, a gigantic problem of weakness,” Le Pen said.

Pretty good so far!

Commenting on the migrant crisis, Le Pen said the EU is using immigrants as a tool to drive down labor costs across the 28-country bloc.

“That’s why the European Union supports tens of millions of immigrants in the coming years which will come onto the European Union labor market to push down wages,” she said. “So, in fact they have betrayed, if you like, the working class.”


Not really. Maybe that’s a small part of it, but hajis aren’t Mexicans – they don’t really work.

A bigger part of the reasoning is to exterminate the White race – a Jewish plot.

Maybe ask your pops about that, Marine.


Oh, right – I guess you two aren’t on speaking terms after those accurate comments he made about Jews.


Marine Le Pen has been a vocal supporter of the UK leaving the European Union, a move that the National Front hopes would inspire a similar “Frexit” campaign.

According to a March poll, 53 percent of French citizens surveyed would like to hold a Brexit-like referendum on France’s membership in the EU.

When asked if she feared any consequences for a “Frexit,” or Brussels’ retribution if it should go through, Le Pen said, “If France leaves the European Union, the European Union no longer exists.”

Well. That part’s true.

Basically, the European Union is the grand idea of Germany sucking the other two highly productive nations in Europe – Britain and France – into a ponzi scheme. They then bribe poor former communist nations in order to gain support for a bizarre globalist conspiracy organized by international Jew banksters.


Despite their tough talk, Hungary and Poland won’t leave the EU because it is just too profitable for them. For Britain and France, however, the only reason to stay in it is because of some stupid ideology no one really understands but which somehow relates to female emotions regarding “togetherness” and paying for the lives of brown people.

The problem here is: Britain isn’t going to leave.