Marine Le Pen’s Immunity Lifted for Tweets of Pictures Things Moslems Did

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2017

I’ll tell you what, Marine Le Pen must not have any real scandals.

If this is the best they can come up with to try and nail on her.


The European Parliament has revoked the immunity of France’s right-wing presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, for posting graphic photos of Islamic State victims on Twitter.

The decision to lift immunity from Le Pen was taken by the majority of members in the plenary of the EU Parliament, Reuters reported.

In December of 2015, Le Pen tweeted three graphic photographs of killings carried out by Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL), accompanied by the text “Daesh [Arabic term for IS] is THIS!” The tweets had been a response to journalist Jean-Jacques Bourdin, who compared Le Pen’s nationalist rhetoric to that of the Islamic terrorist group.

The picture showed the body of James Foley, who Islamic state beheaded in August of 2014. His family then said they had been “deeply disturbed by the unsolicited use of Jim for Le Pen’s political gain.”

Ludovic de Danne, the secretary general of the ENF (Europe of Nations and Freedom), the political bloc Le Pen leads in the European parliament, told RT that he is confident Le Pen “would win any potential trial in this case if it ever happens.”

“It’s a poor way of the EU globalists and an easy hypocritical excuse to target Marine Le Pen,” de Danne said, adding “like for the other attacks it’s the same maneuvers like against Brexit and Trump. The people are not blind anymore.”

Outside of the nigh incomprehensible absurdity of prosecuting Le Pen over this – by lifting her immunity – the law itself is absolutely insane.

Basically, it is legal for Moslems to kill you. I mean, technically it isn’t, but they allow them in the country and create a situation where they are able to organize attacks without scrutiny.

But then it is illegal to post pictures of their crimes.

This is talking “Orwellian” to a whole new realm.