Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 3, 2013

The ever-goofy Arabian Jihadist Mark Glenn recently linked to a hit-piece on the Golden Dawn published in the Guardian, attaching the following commentary:
ed note–although for obvious reasons we disagree with the pandering to organized Jewish interests found in this piece, nevertheless we post this here as a reminder to people what we have said about not giving the enemy a baseball bat to beat you over the head with.
Golden Dawn–like other loud, brash groups who think that by beating their chests and acting ‘manly’ and Nazi-esque that they are going to beat organized Jewish interests are in the end cutting their own throats. As history has shown over and over and over again, in order to paint their intended victims into the scenery necessary to defeat them. the organized Jewish interests always make sure there are plenty of background props to make it believable.
Golden Dawn (as well as their WN brethren here in America and elsewhere) who have taken up the sometimes-violent crusade against Muslims and other dark-skinned peoples have afforded organized Jewish interests the background imagery necessary to make stories such as the one involving the killing of the singer in Greece a week or so ago believable and therefore legally actionable. By thinking and acting with their balls instead of their brains, they have fallen into a trap that has now grabbed them by the throats and from which they are unlikely to be freed. What should have/could have become a movement to unite Gentiles around the world was snuffed out by the stupid and incautious behavior of a group who did not/do not understand the importance of controlling the narrative and of letting your reason dictate your behavior instead of your rage. Had GD created a movement that sought to unite all Gentiles of good will in Greece rather than concentrating on an anti-immigrant/anti-Islamic message, the story of their involvement in the slaying of the Greek rapper would never have gotten traction and therefore would not have resulted in these recent arrests taking place.
So, let’s go through this, and point out just exactly what this Arab invader, who is presently occupying territory my ancestors fought and died for in Northern Idaho, against the will of the people of this nation, is up to.
Firstly, this was a premature “I told you so,” written before the freeing and subsequent gathering of support for the Golden Dawn, which I predicted, and which happened this morning. So, Mark’s base point – that the tactics of the Golden Dawn aren’t working – is false. But we can’t hardly hold his taking of the Jewish media spin so seriously against him – he is not a particularly clever fellow.
His analytic failure aside, what exactly is he talking about in the rest of this little rant?
Well, Mark believes, ostensibly, that the only way to fight the Jews is for White Europeans to embrace mass Islamic immigration into the sacred homeland of our ancestors, and form some vague type of “gentile alliance” with them. This is, of course, simple gibberish, as even if such a thing were desirable, the Muslims in Europe have no desire to align with Whites for any purpose, unless it has to do with drug or sex trafficking. Oh, and they also like to align vertically with defenseless White women they catch out on the streets, and are surely willing to align knives to White people’s throats as they grab their wallets and cellphones.
Seriously though, Mark is counting on you not understanding what is happening on the ground in Athens, as if you had any idea what was happening on the ground in Athens, you would recognize the idiocy of what he is saying here about “forming an alliance” with the hordes. Well, I have been on the ground in Athens, and it is simply a plain fact that all that these Arabs, Africans and West Asians do in Greece is rob and steal. Well, some of the Pakis set up shops, but through this they are looting the economy of the struggling White nation.
Again, even if it was desirable, how would Greeks go about forming an alliance with a bunch of people living on the streets robbing the locals? Would we just walk up to their squats and be like “hey guys – let’s fight the Jews together”? What does it even mean?
Well, Mark doesn’t care what it means, all he cares about is pushing his own racial agenda, which is in direct conflict with that of the White European people. He is a subversive Islamic extremist, and he is occupying the nation of my ancestors, using the technology that our people invented to spew disinformation at the masses.
But again, he is quite wrong about masculine authoritarianism not being successful – it is wildly successful.
What has Mark Glenn done, other than record whiny, boring audio and troll the internet? The Golden Dawn is out in the streets kicking ass and taking names, preparing to take over the government of Greece.
All Europeans who care about the preservation of our race need to look to the Golden Dawn, and do exactly what they are doing. What they are doing works.
Andrew Anglin has written about Mark Glenn before, here and here. He also addressed the arguments of Mark Glenn in his piece on Mark’s cohort, former Necronazi Max French.