Maryland Black Slaughters Defenseless 61-Year-Old White Woman

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2013

Once again.  A dead White woman.
Once again. A dead White woman.

Black Antwine Dwayne Snowden has been charged with the murder of White Gloria Fitzpatrick. He went into her apartment, and killed her for no clear reason (the reason is that black people are biologically driven to slaughter Whites in the same way that lions are biologically driven to slaughter gazelle).

While being held awaiting trial, it was discovered that he is also a jewel thief. He was working as a mover, stealing from clients.

But go ahead and tell me more about Trayvon, and how if it was illegal for people to defend themselves when they are attacked by blacks, the violent criminal scumbag would still be alive, and how this would be a good thing somehow. I’m really interested to hear this again.