Maryland School Shooter was White, They’re Not Talking About It Because the Right-Wing Solution Worked

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 23, 2018

So I figured the Maryland shooter was black, because they didn’t make a big thing of it even though they are going crazy with this gun control thing.

But he was white.

The reason they didn’t make a thing of it is because the right-wing solution – armed school employees – worked.

He only shot two people.

One of them is going to die, but they’re still not making a thing of it because the obvious response will be “well, one is a lot lower number than seventeen, and if there were more armed staff members, he wouldn’t even have gotten the one he got.”

Fox News:

A 16-year-old girl who was critically injured in a shooting at a Maryland high school earlier this week is brain dead and will be taken off life support, her parents announced Thursday night.

Melissa Willey told reporters that her daughter, Jaelynn, has “no life left in her.”

“On Tuesday … our lives changed completely and totally forever,” Melissa Willey said.  “My daughter was hurt by a boy who shot her in the head and took everything from our lives.”

Jaelynn Willey was shot by 17-year-old Austin Rollins at Great Mills High School. Investigators said that Willey and Rollins had recently ended a relationship and the shooting was not random.

Rollins was fatally shot after being confronted by an armed school resource officer, thought it is not clear whether Rollins took his own life or was killed by the officer.

Willey had been in critical condition at the University of Maryland Prince George’s Hospital Center. A fundraising page to help her family has raised more than $59,000.

Jaelynn was one of nine siblings, her mother said, and a member of the swim team.

St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron credited Deputy First Class Blaine Gaskill with preventing any more loss of life.

Cameron said Gaskill, a six-year veteran with SWAT team training, responded within a minute and fired his weapon simultaneously with a final shot fired by Rollins. The officer was unharmed.

There were other reasons this doesn’t fit the narrative. Killing your GF isn’t scary like random shootings.

I also suspect the shooter was full-autistic and on SSRIs. Although they seem to be doing a very good job keeping the SSRIs out of the discussion.

I wish that Trump or at least Tucker would come out and talk about the connection between these drugs and mass-shootings.

If you banned these drugs, black people and Moslems, we would not even be having a conversation about “gun violence,” because it simply would not exist beyond the regular cases of interpersonal disputes.