Maryland: “Vagina Priests” Do Fake Blessing Ceremony at Baby-Killing Facility

“Reverend” Katey Zeh, seen here using her wand to cast Abortus Totalus

Have you ever seen large groups of white women doing political activism for anything other than abortion and mass immigration?

Who doesn’t see what is going on here?

Why are “woman’s rights” even a matter of debate?

Life Site News:

Protestant and Jewish female “ministers” blessed an abortion clinic in December, according to a glowing New York Times article.

A female Baptist “minister,” Jewish cantor, and Presbyterian pastor burned incense while blessing the exam tables, chairs in the “recovery room” where women can sit after aborting their child, and boxes of abortionist’s gowns at the Women’s Health Center of Maryland. The “clerics” wanted to show that religion could be a “source of support for abortion rights.”

The Women’s Health Center of Maryland opened in 2023 to offer abortions to women in the central Appalachian region, particularly those in West Virginia, where nearly all abortions were banned in 2022 after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Since its opening, the Maryland abortion clinic has performed hundreds of abortions, with half of the “patients” crossing state lines from West Virginia.

“You all are blessings to those who come to you for care during some of their most vulnerable and sometimes painful moments,” Katey Zeh, a female Baptist “minister,” told the abortion clinic staff members in the waiting room, according to the New York Times article.

Zeh is the CEO of the Religious Community for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), a multi-faith organization aimed at dismantling and healing “religiously based abortion stigma and shame,” according to its website. The organization has held over 10 “blessings” at abortion clinics since 2017.

The RCRC’s website has an entire page on the “moral case for reproductive freedom,” making the case for Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and others to support “reproductive freedom” and offering prayers and resources for pro-abortion clergy.

Other female “clerics” have come out in favor of abortion, including Rev. Kaeley McEvoy, a United Church of Christ pastor who described how getting an abortion made her feel “loved by God.” Several dissident Catholic nuns have downplayed the evil of abortion, including Sister Simone Campbell, who erroneously stated that the Catholic faith doesn’t require abortion to be outlawed.

This is all a disaster.

These women have to be sanctioned.

Instead, there are many Christians supporting the further empowerment of these satanic hoes.

Of course they also care about White Supremacy