Mass Molestation on Capital Hill! Secret Payments! Mostly Niggers! Release the Dox!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2017

So we’ve got secret congressional slush funds to pay off molested women.

They are using public money to pay the sluts off.

And they are openly trying to block the release of the documents. Because they’re all either doing the molesting or they’re involved in covering it up.

Of course, our hero DONALD TRUMP is pushing for these shitbags to get doxed.

This could really wreck everything, totally.


Pressure is mounting on congressional leaders to release the names of lawmakers who have secretly settled sexual harassment claims at taxpayer expense — a move that some members of Congress are loath to make.

President Donald Trump told reporters this week that he believes Congress should disclose the settlements. A handful of House members from both parties are calling on Republican leadership to do the same.

And Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) proposed legislation Wednesday that would mandate public disclosure of sexual harassment settlements — and ban Congress from footing the bill for such deals in the future. Within a few hours of introducing his bill, DeSantis had been contacted by several Republican and Democratic lawmakers asking to sign on.

“It’s taxpayer dollars at issue; taxpayers have a right to know how their money is being spent,” DeSantis said in an interview, adding that he doesn’t understand “why the taxpayer should ever be on the hook for private misconduct of a member. … That should not be something the taxpayers are funding.”

The effort by DeSantis and other lawmakers has sparked an uncomfortable debate inside an institution known for protecting its own. As a national controversy over sexual misconduct by powerful men swirls, some lawmakers worry that the push for disclosure could unfairly unmask members of Congress who insist they’ve been wrongly accused.

Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) office and the House Administration Committee have not ruled out potential changes to the settlement reporting process as part of an ongoing review of the chamber’s harassment policy. But there’s strong, albeit quiet, resistance on Capitol Hill to disclosing the names of members who’ve reached settlements in the past.

Some lawmakers and aides worry that several sitting members of Congress are among those who’ve paid their accusers in recent years. Some of them say that settling a claim doesn’t necessarily mean the member was guilty. There are times when it is preferable to settle than to engage in a prolonged legal battle, these people surmise.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) made that point on CNN on Tuesday night, arguing that settlements “should be [made] public going forward” — but not retroactively.

“You may very well have people who … were innocent but who thought [they] better get a settlement than go through protracted litigation,” Nadler said.

But others argue that the taxpayer money involved trumps the case for keeping settlements private.

“They’ve used our tax dollars to settle cases where they’re being accused, at least, of violating laws they’re enacting and expect others to live under,” said Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots. Martin’s group is one of several calling for disclosure of lawmaker names.

It’s not just fiscal hawks calling for more transparency. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), a longtime sponsor of anti-sexual harassment legislation, has also urged leaders to release the names of lawmakers who’ve settled sexual harassment claims. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) agreed, telling MSNBC on Tuesday that “any settlements should be made public.”

Honestly, Paul Ryan is probably too much of a dork to ever bother to molest women. He seems way more concerned about like, look like a TOP BOSS at the country club than getting his dick wet.

But I’ll bet you he’s involved in covering it up and directly involved in managing the payoff process.

I think this could really bring down the entire system.

You know who’s definitely going down is the entire black caucus. That’s a big part of why liberals are pushing to keep this covered-up, and why there aren’t any rouge figures in the Jew media pushing for it. They know that this is going to be disproportionately black and Jewish. There are probably a fair number of anti-faggot Republicans paying off young male interns as well.

Who would have thought, when that dumb bitch Rose McGowan started yelping about Harvey Weinstein raping her, that we would maybe end up bringing down the entire system?

Damn it feels good to be a Nazi.