Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2016
Presently, it is emerging that German authorities covered-up a gang-sex attack in Cologne two months ago. At a welcoming rally for the haji filth.
When we saw the amount of organization and energy that went into attempting to cover-up the New Year’s gang-rapes, it was obvious they had done it before, had a clear plan of action.
It has also been admitted that German authorities instruct police to cover-up “migrant” criminality.
This hole just keeps getting deeper.
And the Nazis are all like:
No one could have ever expected that the Nazis would be right about literally everything.
How can someone be correct, with a heart full of hate?
Fury was growing in Germany tonight over mounting evidence of a cover-up of migrant sex crimes after it emerged a welcome party for refugees held two months before the Cologne rapes descended into a mass groping session.
Police and victims have furiously demanded to know why organisers did not warn them that refugees had committed abhorrent sexual harassment amid speculation such information could have helped avert the sickening attacks on New Year’s Eve.
Why did they do it?
Do you really even have to ask?
Because if you do, I’ll tell you.
Now do you understand why the German police need to cover-up gang-rapes, goyim?
Are you now ready to shut your filthy goyim mouth, forever?
Young women had to flee the welcome event in terror after being groped by gangs of migrant men, even though organisers repeatedly interrupted the music with messages in Arabic urging them to stop their harassment.
Wtf this is like a cartoon.

How is this even real life?
The revelations have raised the ugly prospect that some of those refugees were free to go on and commit the twisted sex crimes on New Year’s Eve because politically correct council officials did not report them to the police.
Angela Merkel’s government is under increasing pressure to come clean over the true numbers of sex crimes linked to migrants after it emerged that authorities deliberately withheld the nationalities of the Cologne attackers for several days.
They also “covered up” similar incidents in other cities including Dusseldorf and Hamburg, Munich and Berlin.
Today the council official responsible for the integration of refugees in the Cologne region admitted organisers knew about the sex attacks at the event but did not want to make a fuss.
The thing about importing massive numbers of illiterate Arab peasants into a first world country: no one could have ever expected that they would sexually assault women.
It was, like, a total surprise.
It’s all totally shocking, I’m sure.
She also shockingly said she “cannot remember” whether she advised the women who were attacked to go to the police, but added she felt the event’s student organisers “had learned from the situation”.
The appalling incident, on November 7, 2015, only became known of at all because one of the victims bravely decided to go to the police in the aftermath of the Cologne sex attacks.
Guys, maybe German women aren’t as bad as we thought they were.
Maybe they are genuinely stupid as all hell.
She told the city’s Express newspaper how she and her friend were surrounded by migrants at the party, which was held on a boat, and were repeatedly groped despite asking the men to stop.
She said: “I guess there were about 100 to 150 asylum seeker men there. I’d only been there a few minutes, and I got the first hand on my breast.”
Such romantic. So Islam.
Soon the fondling increased even further until there were “up to four men were pressing themselves on me and my friend at the same time”, according to the victim.
She said one migrant then grabbed her and kissed her, at which point she managed to break free and run off with another friend.
The Cologne police force today furiously demanded to know why it was not alerted to the crimes by the organisers, even though the situation was so bad they had to make repeated pleas to the migrant men to stop sexually harassing young women.
“We would have helped you cover this up better by silencing the witnesses!”
North Rhine-Westphalia region police spokesman Robert Scholten said: “The music had to be constantly stopped so that the message could be given out in Arabic to stop men harassing female guests.
“We could have been called at this point but nobody alerted us to the problem.”
But the council official responsible for integration matters, Coletta Manemann, who helped organise the ‘Refugees Welcome’ event, did not report the incidents and has now been accused of a cover-up attempt.
Admitting that she knew about the incident “shortly before Christmas” after talking to students who had been assigned to helping the refugees, she said: “I can’t remember any more if I told them that they needed to go to the police or not.”
That’s feminism for you.
Did I not already say this?
White Knights defending these stupid bitches are the ones who want to see women raped. We “misogynists” are protecting them.
Amazingly she said she later concluded that “the student organisers had learned from the situation” and felt there was no need to make a fuss.
However since then police have taken statements from numerous women who confirmed they had been sexually assaulted.
The ship party took place in the city of Bonn, which is the same administrative region as Cologne where 1,000 migrant men would later go on the rampage, raping and robbing young women out celebrating New Year’s Eve.
Ms Manemann insisted that the the shocking incident was different to those attacks, dismissing any suggestion that a complaint might have warned police what was going to happen.
But the revelations will spark huge concerns that politically correct authorities in Germany are deliberately burying bad news about migrants, meaning the police do not know the full scale of the threat they face.
These women are getting a taste of things to come. And a lot of them, God bless them, don’t seem to like it.
We’ll see what happens.