Mass Shooting Averted? Walter Reed Active Shooter Apparently Just a Drill…

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 28, 2018

Something fishy is going on with these mass shootings.

The latest mass shooting that almost happened was at Walter Reed hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

This is one of the heaviest concentrations of Jews in America outside of New York City, Broward Country and (presumably) Hollywood.

Bethesda is also one of the richest suburbs in the United States, and it’s where a lot of DC swamp denizens reside.

And Walter Reed is a naval hospital.

If I’ve learned anything from the last mass shootings, it’s that they tend to happen in areas with large concentrations of Jews and spooks.


Authorities at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center are piecing together what happened during a tense Tuesday afternoon, when a reported active-shooter situation turned out to be a false alarm.

It was an incident that was further complicated over social media, with the Navy at one point claiming the scare to be caused by an “ad hoc drill.”

Someone “legitimately thought that there was a situation” and did the right thing in contacting security, Brooks said, “and security did the right thing and responded, because it was not reported as an exercise or a drill.”

For roughly two hours, authorities worked to secure the busy hospital while patients, workers and visitors sheltered in place.

“Military drills are definitely planned and prepared,” Brooks said. “And if there had been a drill, then we would have put out a statement saying it was a drill and it would have been advertised as such.”

The timeline of the incident, much of which played out over social media, indeed reflects confusion among authorities as they worked to secure the busy hospital.

Walter Reed officials issued an alert — via email and text — at around 2 p.m., indicating that there was “an active shooter on the compound.” At 2:58 p.m., the Navy tweeted out that they were “aware of reports of an active shooter” but qualified it with no confirmation. The Pentagon quickly retweeted that.

The Navy later tweeted at 3:25 p.m. that there was in fact no shooter, and that it was an “ad hoc drill by tenant command.” Montgomery County police, however, told WTOP that they had been called as if it were a real incident. (They referred additional questions to NSA Bethesda.)

NSA Bethesda officials, however, indicated at around 4 p.m. that a call had in fact been made to security “with the report of an active shooter situation” in Building 19, which is the site of the Murtha Cancer Center.

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger — a Democrat representing Maryland’s 2nd District who was on the grounds at the time of the incident — tweeted out that when he and dozens of others had been moved to a safe room, there was no indication that it wasn’t real. 

Other people also confirmed that it felt very real while they were there.

People are not buying the whole, “jk, it was a planned drill” line.


“Was an ad hoc drill by tenant command,” the Navy tweeted.

However, the local military agency involved — Naval Support Activity Bethesda — contradicted that statement later Tuesday afternoon.

“Around 2 p.m. today, Tuesday, Nov. 27, a call came into security at NSA Bethesda with the report of an active shooter situation in the basement of Bldg. 19 at Walter Reed Bethesda,” a Facebook post by the agency stated. “Security responded and cleared the building, finding no indication of an active shooter. After investigating the call and the origin, NSA Bethesda has determined that this was a false alarm and not part of a scheduled drill as has been reported.”

First of all, the NSA referenced here is not the eavesdropping agency out in another part of Maryland, but the Naval Support Activity, which is basically just a naval base in Bethesda that sends a lot of patients to Walter Reed hospital nearby.

It’s a tightly watched and closely guarded place. In fact, the hospital was where JFK’s bizarre autopsy was done.

All this is to say that a civilian waltzing in from the street would have a hard time just showing up and going on a killing spree.

It would have to be someone already in the base or the hospital.

Regardless, whatever happened there was suspicious AF and while I’m leaning towards PTSD vet firing off some rounds before being subdued, but also could be convinced of the last second aborted mass shooting by Fed agent theory.

It certainly does appear that there is always a drill very conveniently scheduled during or just around the time of these mass shootings.

It seems more likely that the feds would be trying to cover up a shooting at a military hospital than stage a fake one, but who the hell knows these days.