Mass Shooting Plot Allegedly Thwarted in California

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2018

I’m an extremely cynical person.

I see something like this, and I’m like “well, they’ve got two reason at least to exaggerate and/or fake something like this.”

Those two reasons being: the FBI is taking a lot of shit for not stopping the Florida shooting, and they are trying to pass gun control so they want to make it look like this is now a non-stop threat.

Fox News:

A plot by a “disgruntled” student who was planning a mass shooting at a Southern California high school was thwarted after a security guard overheard a conversation, authorities said Tuesday.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said a security guard at El Camino High School in Whittier, located east of Los Angeles, overheard the student threaten to open fire on the school Friday.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Nicole Nishida told the Associated Press deputies discovered “multiple guns and ammunition” after searching the student’s home.

I will not be at all surprised if this turns out to be exaggerated. If someone was joking.

It’s pretty standard to make jokes about shooting up the school after a high-profile mass shooting. And it isn’t really very standard to talk about a mass shooting beforehand. Virtually every time this happens – Columbine being the one exception I can think of – the shooter is a lone wolf type individual.

And having guns in the home isn’t evidence of anything. Everyone has guns in their home in this country.

But we’ll see.

Who knows.