William Martel
Daily Stormer
August 18, 2015

Any time White people form any sort of group, anti-Whites start to feel as though they are about to get gassed.
The Alpha Phi sorority at the University of Alabama is being “slammed by critics” for its “lack of diversity,” and what’s more it appears to be “objectifying women.”
It’s all so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying.
The video was pathetic and shameful….college is about education, not football and parties.
I’m sure the kids returning to class feel just a little bit lower having watched this ridiculous, sexual , ad for college, have a day picnic if you want fun for everyone and include all the students. …pathetic.
Bad look for the University of Alabama in light of the issue of diversity of the Greek system.
This sorority, founded in 1872, is the fourth oldest national women’s sorority which was the first women’s society to use Greek letters as an emblem.
And as we know, old things tend to be racist.
Now we all know that any other racially homogeneous sorority would be welcomed and celebrated with open arms as sign of progress. An all black sorority or fraternity is as “diverse” as possible without the need to have any Whites.
The real reason for the hatred of Alpha Phi is not because our women are the most gorgeous creatures on this planet (although I’m sure that is part of it), but because such a sorority itself is a form of “White supremacy” in the eyes of these crazy social justice warriors. The attack on this sorority is just another way of erasing southern heritage and demonetization any form of white homogeneity.

SJWs don’t even consider these White women in a group together as a micro-aggression, but rather a macro-aggression that could lead to another Shoah, and the only way to stop it is making it more diverse.

Warning: you may find this video absolutely repulsive and horrifying as you see these White supremacist women dance on the ashes of minorities, which of course is a sign of things to come if Alpha Phi is not diversified immediately.
Side note: you will notice that they actually threw in a Black dude hanging out with all of these white women. Not sure if this was a way to avoid being called racist, or that they think its cool to have a Black guy around dozens of beautiful white women. Either way it seems that throwing in the token Black guy isn’t enough diversity.