Massachusetts Jew Cemetery Vandalism: “Oy Vey, This is MAGA Country”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2019

So, we’ve got another Jew cemetery situation.

Who knows which ones of these are real anymore.

Jews are totally obsessed with hoaxing “hate crimes” against themselves, and hoaxes definitely make up the overwhelming majority of the cases, as you can find going through the ADL’s own data (hilariously enough).

But… people also really, really hate the Jews.

The cemetery violations are usually a hoax, because this is something that America doesn’t really have a tradition of. It is something that used to happen to them in like, Poland and Belarus that they tell each other stories about and then use as a hoax.

Last time this was in the news, it turned out to be an anti-Semitic breeze.

That said, I’m kinda thinking “oy vey, this is MAGA country” is not something a Jew would be able to think up. Because that is a reference to Jussie Smollett, as well as a reference to Trump recently siding completely with Jews against white people. I might be wrong. But Jews are usually not very clever with these hoaxes.

Fox News:

“Expel the Jew,” “Heil Hitler,” and other Hitler salutes were among the anti-Semitic slurs found defacing dozens of headstones at a Jewish cemetery in Massachusetts. Fall River Police said they are investigating the incident as a hate crime.

Sgt. Thomas Mauretti, with the Fall River Police Department’s major crimes division, confirmed the graffiti found at Hebrew Cemetery over the weekend, including phrases such “Oy vey! This is MAGA country.”

Mauretti told Fox News the anti-Semitic phrases and swastikas were found scrawled in black marker on 59 gravestones and some stones were knocked over, as well. Police said the gravestones were vandalized sometime Saturday or early Sunday.

Investigators said the damage was first discovered by a cemetery maintenance worker who described to police what he had found.

Fall River Police said they were contacted by the Anti-Defamation League of New England. The organization is offering a $1500 reward in addition to a reward offered by the Fall River Police Department for information that leads to the arrest of the suspect or suspects.

The regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of New England, Robert Trestan, went to the cemetery Tuesday to survey the damage and spoke with people who have relatives buried there.

“This desecration is deeply personal and emotional because of the words of hate that were written on dozens of headstones,” Trestan told Fox News. “When you desecrate a headstone you not only desecrate their memory but also you’re sending a message of hate to their relatives and friends. Every person who is buried there is connected to someone who is alive.”

As I always say, the fact that Jews do these things to themselves means that they are good for the Jews. They use this for fundraising and use it to hound federal prosecutors into doing their diabolical bidding.

So don’t do vandalism.

Don’t do anything illegal.

If this is real and they catch some teenage kids after a months long forensic analysis, they will literally throw them in federal prison for vandalizing the corpse-hole of some filthy Jew pawn shop owner.