Daily Slave
July 18, 2014
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has come out claiming that turning away illegal alien invaders would be like turning away Jewish children escaping Nazi death camps. Perhaps the Jew puppet ape Governor didn’t get the message, but the Holohoax is a fantasy made up by a bunch of greedy Jews who created these stories for monetary and political gain.
So because of this delusion that this moron has decided to believe in, he is trying to use the comparison to justify the federal government dumping illegal alien invaders in Massachusetts. Never mind the fact that Lynn a city in Massachusetts is already over flowing with illegal aliens. The city’s Mayor even came out and said that the city has no more resources to accommodate these invaders.
The vast majority of people regardless of their racial background or ethnicity both in Massachusetts and throughout America are against these insane self-destructive policies. But like Barack Obama, this stupid monkey traitor doesn’t give a damn about what the people want.
From Boston Globe:
Governor Deval Patrick on Wednesday said he wanted to find a way for Massachusetts to help alleviate the crisis of children seeking to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, avoiding the type of feud with the White House into which other governors have been drawn, and invoking powerful imagery as his motivation.
“My inclination is to remember what happened when a ship full of Jewish children tried to come to the United States in 1939 and the United States turned them away, and many of them went to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps,” Patrick said when a reporter asked how he viewed the border crisis. “I think we are a bigger-hearted people than that as Americans, and certainly as residents of Massachusetts.”