Massachusetts: Patriotic Americans Improve Mosque Exterior by Spray-Painting “USA” on Walls

Info Stormer
November 2, 2015

This mosque now looks 6,000,000 times better with these improvements.

Patriotic Americans have done their best to improve the exterior walls of a mosque by spray-painting “USA” repeatedly on them.

Considering that Moslems should not be in the United States to begin with, I firmly believe that these Americans did a great service by doing this.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations should take their membership back to the Middle East.  Moslems are not real Americans. Only Whites are real Americans because Whites built America.


Muslim advocates say a mosque in a Boston suburb of Burlington has been vandalized.

The Massachusetts chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Sunday that vandals spray-painted “USA” repeatedly on the exterior walls of the Islamic Center of Burlington.

The group says the vandalism was discovered early Sunday and reported to police, who are investigating. They say they’ve posted photos of the graffiti online.

In a statement, the group suggests the graffiti reflects a growing anti-Islamic sentiment that Muslim are not “real” Americans.

Never my freedoms, Haji.
Never my freedoms, Haji.
These colors don't run
These colors don’t run.
Gtfo of my country, ragheaded stink-weasel.
Gtfo of my country, ragheaded stink-weasel.