Matt Furie BTFO

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2017


Ben Garrison mocks the drug-addled plagiarist Matt Furie’s attempt to “kill” Pepe for the ADL

Matt Furie – an “artist” who claims to have “created” Pepe – can’t “kill” Pepe just because the ADL told him to.

Furie was the headline speaker at an ADL “Never is Now” conference in November, where he got up on stage and demanded that the internet work to |save Pepe” – a cartoon frog whom the ADL has labeled a “hate symbol” and “a new type of Swastika” from the Neo-Nazi White supremacists who use the frog to promote hatred of Jews and other subhuman filth.


This is from the ADL conference page. He was the headline speaker.

These twisted ADL kikes along with their shabbos slave Furie announced a campaign to force meme a #SavePepe campaign, wherein they planned “reclaim” Pepe from Nazis and somehow… force them to stop using his image in their memes.

This is a real thing, which actually happened, in real life.

The plan did not work, and in fact the internet became enraged.

Famous artist Boatsinker mocks ADL’s weird, stupid force-memery plan.

The ADL lost much of its credibility here, before it was all lost when they hoaxed over a hundred prank calls to Jewish Centers (and themselves) in an attempt to drum up sympathy for their disgusting, evil race in what became known as “Hoaxgate.”

I’m telling you, Abe Foxman must be rolling in his retirement golf cart.

Compared to the faggotry and failurism of Jonathan Greenblatt, Abe Foxman was a Conan-tier Jew.

After the conference, and their forced #SavePepe meme failure, clearly still under the pay of the ADL, Furie announced that he was “killing” Pepe and drew this picture.

Furie drew this at the behest of Jonathan Greenblatt, his good friend, and said that “Pepe is dead.”

The problem is, Furie didn’t “invent” Pepe – Pepe was invented by a famous 4chan poster named anon.

Also, as anon himself admits, he didn’t really “create” Pepe so much as channel him from the spirit of Kek by meme magic. On the topic, anon was quoted as saying “Kek guided my mouse in MS Paint when I drew the first Pepe.”


This is the original version of Pepe drawn in MS Paint by /b/ artist anon in early 2004.

The artist anon, who now posts mainly on the /pol/ board of 4chan, has said that he first drew Pepe so that he could use him to “help exterminate Jews” and “create global White Supremacy.”

As a plagarist and thief, it is no wonder Furie is working with the ADL to try and psychologically damage people from the internet with emotional manipulation.

Matt Furie: Would you let this man paint your garage or mow your lawn?

Furie used Pepe without permission of the original artist, but anon didn’t have any money to sue because he was a NEET.

Ben Garrison and A. Wyatt Mann both have permission of the artist, however. In fact, he’s said that anyone is allowed to use the frog, as long as it is for “non-Jewish purposes.”

Here’s another Garrison.


And a couple Manns.


Pepe will never die, and will instead forever remain the one and only son of Kek, who is a the frog god of internet memes, whose will dictates the global extermination of the Jews.