Mattis Says Turkey Warned Pentagon Before Invading Syria, Shrugs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2018

Interestingly, Mattias is apparently shrugging off the Turkish invasion of Syria – an invasion intended to kill his terrorists.


US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says Turkey gave advance notice that it was planning to launch an attack on US-allied Kurdish militias in Syria, but he did not specify if Washington tried to dissuade Ankara.

”Turkey was candid,” Mattis told reporters aboard a plane traveling to Asia from the US. ”They warned us before they launched the aircraft they were going to do it, in consultation with us.”

On Saturday, Turkey launched a series of air strikes on the Kurdish enclave of Afrin in northwestern Syria, controlled by the YPG militia which Ankara considers to be a terrorist group. Turkish ground forces pushed into the territory Sunday, supported by loyal anti-Assad militants.

“Turkey is a NATO ally. It’s the only NATO country with an active insurgency inside its borders. And Turkey has legitimate security concerns,” said Mattis, who noted that gains against Islamic State did not soothe Turkey’s concerns over a breakaway Kurdish state on territory.

The US has spent millions of dollars to arm and train the Kurdish militias forming the backbone of a ground force that reclaimed parts of Islamic State territory, and took back the city of Raqqa last year.

“They have proven their effectiveness. It has cost them thousands of casualties. But you have watched them, with the coalition support, shred the ISIS caliphate in Syria,” said Mattis.

So, you know.

Who knows.

The best case scenario is that the US doesn’t really care if Turkey wipes out their Kurd terrorists, and they can just tell Israel “hey, waddaya want?”

That seems unlikely, however.

The Kurd terrorists are Israel’s last chance to get a civil war started up again in Syria, which they want to do in order to stop Iran from building bases in Syria that can/will be used to attack them.

I do not think that the US is ready to just abandon Israel to their own devices, however, so I expect something to happen in response to the Turkish invasion.

Troubled, troubled times.