MAX BUG-OUT: Little Baby NYT Journalist Jared Yates Sexton Says Nazis are Literally Hunting Him Down!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2017

I wrote a piece about Jared Yates Sexton bugging out on Twitter yesterday, and now his bug-out has intensified!

I picture this guy with his eyes bugged-out tweeting in his room with the curtains pulled tight and his bug-out bag packed, sitting on the floor next to his desk.

tfw true believer Jew shill reads Daily Stormer gloating over Trump tweets.

He actually believes there are Nazis hunting him down.

Seventeen tweet series, this is.

Very, very ugly?

Well, there’s the thing that you’re talking about. And it’s definitely growing.

But I don’t think “ugly” is the appropriate adjective.

This is the New Narrative – “We, The Media, Are the Real Victims!”

For those of you not keeping track, what he is saying here is the new narrative that has rapidly grown up over the last tenish days. As you are no doubt aware, there was an ongoing Russian kookspiracy, which the media was pushing and the government was going along with, forming all of these Sanhedrin-type councils to crucify President Trump.

All of the sudden, CNN published a fake news story about Russia and was called out by Breitbart. They then fired the three journalists who wrote it. These were long-time employees. Then, James O’Keefe dropped his “American Pravda” series showing that CNN’s own employees believed the Russian story to be a hoax. This was at the same time that on the governmental level, with the increasingly obvious fact that there is no evidence to support the theory, and it is actually just a witch hunt by Democrat losers being given credibility by traitor Republicans like Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Paul Ryan.

So the media was in big trouble, and had to come up with a new narrative to attack Trump with, quick: so they came up with the “Trump is trying to kill us because we hoaxed that Russia thing!” narrative.

This was on full display during the Sunday shows, where all the Jews came out to whine about this.

It was during the Sunday shows that Trump decided to give them a back-hoe to dig their own mass-graves with by posting the now-infamous WWE tweet. (Which was not a gif by the way people, it was a WebM. Gifs don’t have sound.)

That caused them to dig in further with the “he’s going to kill us because we hoaxed him” narrative, which before that point, they might have been able to rethink. But now they’re in too deep.

I believe this will be the last gasp of the mainstream media. Not to say it won’t continue to exist, it will, but we at the Daily Stormer are going to get better funding this year – by the way, happy fourth birthday to us – and other independent media outlets are continuing to rise.

I think that YouTube is going to engage in a major shutdown in the next year or so, where they will cleanse out everyone who is not onboard with the program at the request of the dying media establishment and the Jews. That will a monumental point in history, as it will be the point at which the new, young, independent internet media realizes that they can no longer depend on the old corporate system anymore, and have to establish their own platforms.

The True Believer

Jared Yates Sexton is a caricature of fake news. He is a fiction writer who became an anti-Trump political activist and then was hired to write for the New York Times. He has no background in journalism.

For those of you Tweeting him – I don’t think he is Jewish. I think he’s a true believer. Maybe he had a lesbian mother. I don’t know.

What I do know is that for a 30-something male to have these hardcore beliefs is something rare.

When this kook Luke O’Brien began harassing my family and trying to dig up dirt on me – using credentials from The Atlantic, under the pretense of writing an article that I don’t think is ever going to get written – I contacted people I went to high school with. I wanted to make sure I could “unmask” any of the “unnamed sources” O’Brien would cite in the event that he actually did write a story – and prove the rest of them to be made up – and I knew a couple people who I hadn’t talked to in a decade would be willing to get that information if they didn’t have it already.

I grew up extremely liberal, in an all white neighborhood, and attended an actual, genuine hippie “alternative” school. And talking to the guys I talked to, who were of course very liberal as we all were back then, I was pleasantly surprised to hear them say, “you know, I’ve been looking at your website since I heard you were this big famous Nazi and like, you know I’m not a racist, but… I think maybe some of that stuff you’re saying is true.”

The Jewish momentum is gone.

They killed it themselves.

Their oppressive narrative of anti-whiteness is no longer hip or cool or edgy. It is stale and faggy. And much more importantly, it is wrong and people know it is wrong. The new generation, Generation Z – or Generation Zyklon, as we like to call them – hates this stuff. It’s run its course.

So it is funny seeing a non-Jewish true believer like Jared Yates Sexton, who – I don’t have any reason to believe he is lying – actually believes that Pepe-Nazis are hunting him because of a Donald Trump tweet. Because he was told by Jews he should believe that.