MAX LEL: Dozens of “A Day Without Immigrants” Protesters Lose Their Jobs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2017

What’s that, Mexicans?

Losing your jobs over political activism?

That’s so sad.

I just can’t imagine what that feeling must feel like.

I guess you aren’t as “critical” as you thought you were, huh?

Fox News:

The Day Without Immigrants protest shut down businesses nationwide last week, but it didn’t come without some consequences for a handful of workers who decided to take part in the demonstrations.

Dozens of workers said they lost their jobs after taking part in Thursday’s protest. The boycott was aimed squarely at President Trump’s efforts to step up deportations, build a wall at the Mexican border and close the nation’s doors to many travelers. It was unclear how many participated.

Twelve Latino employees from the I Don’t Care Bar and Grill in Tulsa, Okla. told Fox 23 News they were fired over text message because they didn’t show up for their shift and failed to let their employers know about their absence. The employees told the station they expected to be reprimanded, but not dismissed.

The firings led to an outcry in the community.

“If you have 12 people who feel strongly and want to make a stand, I think management should have taken a look at that and at least stood by them or give them some time,” Catherine Bishop, of Broken Arrow, told Fox 23 News.

The restaurant had already posted on Facebook seeking employees for its open positions.

Meanwhile, Carmen Guerrero, an immigration activist told the Philadelphia Inquirer that six people were fired from their jobs at a Bahama Breeze in King of Prussia for taking part in the protest. Guerrero said when the workers heard of the protest, they decided to join in and when they showed up Friday for work they allegedly were told they couldn’t enter the building.

Bahama Breeze spokesman Rich Jeffers told the paper that “no one was ever fired.” Guerrero said the workers told her that they were all rehired “to make it look like nothing happened.”

According to News Channel 5, 18 workers from Bradley Coatings Inc. were let go. The workers told the station they told their employer they would be joining in the nationwide protest on Wednesday and when they returned to work Thursday they were informed they had been fired.

“We are the team leaders directly under the supervisors and they informed us last night that we could not go back to work and the boss said we were fired,” one employee told the station.

An attorney for Bradley Coatings said in a statement that the employees were told they would “need to show up for work (on Thursday) or they would be terminated” because of the “time-sensitive” job they were assigned to. The statement contended that the firings had nothing to do with politics.

Encore Boat Builders LLC, based out of Lexington, S.C., had 21 workers who didn’t show up for work Thursday. WLTX-TV reported they were told not to participate in the demonstrations or face termination and when they failed to show up, the company followed through on its threat.

Six staff members at a Bonita Springs, Fla. daycare quit, Rev. Jeremy Walker, who runs the day care, told NBC 2. However, two workers said they were fired for wanting to join the protest, while four others claim they resigned after the others two were fired.

It happened in other cities, too.

Here’s one.

Here’s another.

It was all across the country.

This is the New America, AKA Trumpmerica.

Spics get fired.

They complain about racism, and they remain fired.

Of course, this is different from when we get fired for our political activism – something which recently happened to Emily Youcis, who was fired from her job selling nuts – we get fired purely because of our political beliefs, not because we use those beliefs as an excuse not to attend work.

But there are a lot more Mexicans going to get fired very soon. Trump is only actively deporting the criminal ones in his round-ups, but the non-criminal ones are going to be subject to various forms of persecution. And one of the first steps is going to be fines on employers who hire illegals.

And that’s going to be like another Holocaust all over again.