MAX LOL: Chinese Airline’s In-Flight Magazine Tells People Traveling to China to Beware of Pakis and Blacks!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2016


In 2016, every single day brings a new “best thing yet.”

Here’s today’s.

Daily Mail:

Tourists are being told to avoid areas of London ‘populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people’ in a Chinese airline’s in-flight magazine.

Wings of China, the in-flight magazine for Air China, made the ‘racist’ comment in a travel article on the UK capital.

The article, printed in both English and Chinese, said: ‘London is generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people.’

Is this not simply an objective, statistical fact?

Of course it is.


Even if you believe the “they only do it because they are poor because of racism” line – which is also disproved by statistics – the fact remains that non-Whites commit murder and other violent crime at a rate of serious multiples of the White rate.


Blacks are 13% of the population of London, Whites are 60%, yet Blacks are responsible for twice as many stabbings (these are old numbers – they’re hard to find).

But in the West, objective facts don’t matter. The only thing that matters is how things effect the feelings of non-Whites.

Chinese people are incapable of grasping this concept. I would argue that this is most likely a biological thing with the Chinese.

Air China is Asia’s third largest airline and operates twice daily flights between London and Beijing.

Chinese journalist Haze Fan tweeted a picture of the advice after reading the magazine while travelling with colleagues on Tuesday.

Ms Fan said she is a ‘big fan’ of London, having lived in the city for a year doing a masters course.

In the tweet she asked Mayor of London Sadiq Khan what he thought of the article.



In China, even the females are shitlords!

People immediately responded on social media, calling the phrase – which is repeated in both Mandarin and English in the magazine – ‘racist.’

“Facts are racist.”

How long can this really hold up, while there is this level of pressure on Whites?

I mean, obviously no one other than Whites would have accepted the concept that facts matter less than brown feelings, but even Whites have to reach a point where they’re just like “okay, this has gotten ridiculous.”

The article continued: ‘We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when travelling.’

Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, Labour MP for Tooting which has one of the largest Indian and Pakistani populations in London, said: ‘My initial thoughts were that the comments were outrageous.

Virendra Sharma, Labour MP for Ealing Southall, added on Twitter: ‘This is offensive and I hope AirChina will remove this magazine and apologise immediately.’

According to government agency VisitBritain, more than 270,000 Chinese people visited Britain in 2015, up 46 per cent on 2014, and they spent £586 million in total (up 18 per cent on 2014).

The Asians are the only people willing to call-out the naked emperor.

For this, I salute them.
