Daily Stormer
October 5, 2014

MC Hammer, who I didn’t realize was still alive, has tweeted that the recent Ebola outbreak in America is “karma” for the “rape” of Africa.

“Don’t sit over there looking all innocent and Pius, you raped #Africa and now she is infected & only asking for medication and beds..” the “U Can’t Touch This” singer tweeted early Thursday.
“#Karma is making threats, says she will elevate herself from B– to (Wife with no pre-nup) if the world doesn’t send #Africa #Ebola Aid,” a previous tweet said.
The fiery posts were among a string of Ebola-related messages the Bay Area native posted after he said he attended a Stanford lecture on compassion.
One linked to a CNN graph showing how the virus is traced. Another asked, “If it’s that simple to contain then why????”
The World Health Organization said Wednesday that the death toll in West Africa from the virus had soared past 3,300.
“If we intend to avoid the domestic sufferings of #Ebola then we must find the compassion to send the economic aid necessary to save #Africa,” another message said.
The provocative tweets prompted the usual Internet mix of both vitriol and praise from dozens of Hammer’s followers.
By Thursday morning, the “Pumps and a Bump” singer appeared to have cooled down.
His latest tweet linked to list of CNN news briefs, including one report on Ebola and U.S. hospital readiness.
He also spiked the “rape” tweet, telling one follower it was because “pious” was misspelled.
No matter how much we do for these people, they are always going to want more, they are always going to imagine that we’ve done them wrong. The idea of blaming Whitey for something that is happening in Africa, where there is virtually no White influence at all (and the historic influence was entirely positive) is sick and deranged, but these people don’t care about reality. They care about “muh feels.”
Well, here’s the solution: Send them all back to Africa, stop sending aid, let them figure it out.