McDonald’s to Employees: Break Food into Pieces, It will Make Your Stomach Feel More Full

November 21, 2013

The latest friendly advice from McDonald’s to their low-wage workers includes tips on how to better handle stress–as well as how to fill yourself up better with dinner.  The fast-food corporation instructs workers that breaking food “into pieces” will keep you full.

The advice was published on the “McResource” website, meant to give tips to fast-food workers.  While you need to be a McDonald’s worker to log-in to the website, details of the advice have been publicized by the group Low Pay Is Not OK, a union-backed group seeking to organize low-wage workers at McDonald’s.  The effort is part of the larger campaign to push for living wages, benefits and the right to organize among low-wage workers across a variety of industries.

A video published by Low Pay Is Not OK shows the website’s advice to workers.  One piece of advice given is for workers to take two vacations a year–an impossible task given that many employees work two low-wage jobs.  It tells workers to “sing away stress” because it “can lower your blood pressure.”  And it tells McDonald’s employees to break “food into pieces,” which “results in eating less and still feeling full.”

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