McDonald’s Used to be a Safe Space

Daily Stormer
March 12, 2015

Though I can’t tell for sure, the victim here appears to be a light-skinned Black chick, not a White.

Still though.  Why do we need this behavior in our McDonald’s?  Would it not be better if this third world savagery wasn’t happening in our country?

This was in Brooklyn.

YouTube description:

She is eventually thrown to the ground, and the girls kick and stomp on her head and call her “b****”, as a crowd of rowdy teens cheer and do nothing to stop the attack. The victim is left lying under a table, and is carried by fellow teens and placed on a bench.

“The tenacity of placing something on video to shoot a young lady being beat down by six or seven young women is ludacris in our community,” said community activist Tony Herbert.

The teenage victim suffered two black eyes and bruises to her head, police sources said. They’ve reviewed the video with officials at nearby Erasmus High School but say the victim and her family have yet to file a complaint.

“The message has to be sent very clearly, that this kind of violence will not be tolerated whether in a mall or in restaurants and those involved should turn themselves in to authorities immediately,” he said.

There was an increased police presence outside the McDonald’s Wednesday.

It will be tolerated, Tony, and it is tolerated. You know that.