Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 8, 2015

In what could be the greatest YouTube clip yet to emerge in this decade, some White cops are seen dealing with a Black pool party with tact and good humor.
But get this – the coloreds are whining about it, as if these cops should have brought them cupcakes and blunt wraps instead of drawing their weapons and throwing them around.
The event took place in McKinney, Texas, and is currently becoming the next Holocaust – for real this time.
The cops showed up at the pool party after noise complaints, and the Blacks started chimping out. The officers began telling them to get on the ground, and they all began running around.

A particularly excited officer who is the target of most of the criticism being lodged following the incident grabs a girl in a bikini after she disobeys him, and two colored boys come toward him. He unholsters his gun for a few seconds and the boys retreat.
The video has been posted all over the internet and the original upload currently has nearly two million views.
I will say that yes, the one officer was definitely a bit overeager. You see this in the beginning when he does a duck-and-roll across the sidewalk for apparently no reason, or perhaps just to get himself in the mood for a serious operation. However, the criticisms – that this is a new Holocaust – are overblown.

I don’t know what I would have done in this situation – possibly more duck-and-rolls or other tricks I’ve picked up from Metal Gear Solid. No one knows how they would have handled this situation. The officer had to have assumed that at any moment, the Blacks would start firing. And that is a lot of pressure.
One thing the critics are correct about is that these cops wouldn’t have dealt with this situation the same way if it had been White kids. For one, White kids would have cooperated a lot more and more importantly the cops wouldn’t be fearing for their lives if it was White kids because White kids aren’t prone to firing on officers like Black kids are.

Funny as the video may seem, the actions of the cop were normal actions for unseasoned officer in what he correctly perceived to be a potentially dangerous situation. I don’t see as though he did anything wrong.
He did his best to keep the peace.
Where is This All Going?
All of these complaints by the Blacks and the Jew media which directs them can only lead to one thing, and that is a situation where all cops are afraid to do their job lest they be crucified.
May was the most violent month in the history of the city of Baltimore, following the arrests of police officers who were doing their job dealing with a Black criminal. So, police stand-downs do not lead to a reduction in Black violence, but rather a serious escalation.
Mood after watching that #McKinney video
— Oba Abioye (@blueetoo11) June 7, 2015
Over the next year we are going to see the “Baltimore Effect” intensify across the country, with police refusing to do their jobs because the government and media are telling them not to do their jobs. This is going to lead to a sharp increase in violent Black crime across the country. And I hate to say it, but that’s a very good thing. Finally, the White Man is going to see just what a threat these people are to our civilization.