If you’re upset that you don’t have a Nazi nearby you to punch, don’t worry — the internet has you covered.

Super Deluxe, a site typically dedicated to making comedic videos, has launched its Punch A Nazi video game that enables you to use your phone to pummel on Nazis like Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Adolf Hitler. Punch A Nazi mimics Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for the Nintendo Entertainment System in terms of its look, but to start playing you have to sync the game with your mobile phone to use as a motion-sensing device for your devastating attacks.

Besides the disgustingly violent nature of the game, it is odd for a number of reasons.

Milo Yiannopoulos is presented as a Nazi even though he is a homosexual Jew who claims he has ass sex with Black men. Milo is the exact opposite of a Nazi.

Richard Spencer despite the controversial “Heilgate” incident is also not an actual Nazi. He’s a fairly moderate political figure as far as Nazism goes.

The fools who made this game seem to think that anybody who doesn’t agree with hardcore Communism is automatically a Nazi. What other explanation could there be for including Milo and Spencer in the game?

The developers may have thought that they were being cute by making such a horrible game, but I can assure them that there are many Republicans who do not find what they did to be funny. Not only is this game un-American but it is just plain wrong.

What sort of message are they sending our children by encouraging this type of violence? Obviously they have much hate in their hearts.