Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2016

There is simply no way any single individual on the face of the earth could have predicted that importing millions 20-something Arab males into Germany would result in wide-scale ficki ficki.
The only people who predicted it were Nazis, and it is known that Nazis are always wrong, because they are evil, because they are filled with hatred for the color of the skin.
No one can possibly blame Angela Merkel for this situation. All she was trying to do was rapidly transform Germany into an Islamic State.
Horrific details of another bout of sex attacks allegedly carried out by recently arrived refugees provoked more fury across the country tonight as calls to clamp down on mass migration continued to grow.
Police reports from the city of Dortmund released today claimed that a recently arrived refugee told one young woman that German girls are “just there for sex” after he approached her in the street and offered her money to sleep with him.
These men’s only source of income is the German government. Meaning they are offering women their own tax money for sex.
Maybe Merkel should provide them with brothels?
They also described a shocking incident in which three migrant men seemingly tried to impose Sharia Law on the streets of Germany, attempting to stone two women in public.
They were actually tranny faggots.
I understand the media thinks it’s really cute to refer these homos as “women,” but in this case it really confuses the story.
The hajis were apparently trying to ficki ficki the trannies before they got the stones out.
The disturbing reports are just the latest in an avalanche of revelations about refugee sex crimes to emerge since the sickening attacks in Cologne, when 1,000 migrant men went on the rampage raping and robbing women out celebrating New Year’s Eve.
The latest reports from Dortmund paint a terrifying picture of a city where it is now unsafe for women to go out at night for fear of being attacked and raped by refugees.
No one ever could have predicted it.
The police report, published by the Presse Portal website, reveal how at 3.48am a gang of several refugees approached a 25-year-old German woman and hurled “filthy” insults at her as she made her way home from the city’s train station.
When she ignored them one of the group – a man described as around 30 years old and “remarkably small” – apparently followed her and asked her to have sex with him in exchange for money.
Was it a midget?
What does “remarkably small” mean?
When the woman refused he reportedly told her he had only just arrived in Germany and assumed that “German women are there for sex” before reaching into her blouse and trousers and groping her.
Dude knows how to party.
Imagine this nigga up in the club.
They’d have to shut it down before it caught fiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrre!
Beyond the women complaining about ficki ficki on the streets, club owners in Germany are also complaining that migrants are “doing a jihad on the dance floor with their hot, hot moves.”
The terrified woman managed to break free and call the police, at which point the perpetrator fled. Police are still hunting him and have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
The latest shocking revelations will ratchet up the pressure on Angela Merkel to tackle the growing scourge of migrant sex crimes in Germany.
Earlier this week it emerged that officials have covered up the fact that a welcome party for refugees in the Cologne region had descended into a mass groping session with female guests being molested.
German authorities are also under pressure after they tried to hush up the horrific Cologne attacks, which shocked the world and provoked outrage across the country.
Thousands of anti-immigration campaigners have taken part in marches across Germany in protest at Angela Merkel’s controversial open door asylum policy which has been blamed for causing social unrest.
Germany has taken in more than 1.1 million migrants over the last year, but in recent weeks there have been increasing warnings that areas of the country are unable to cope with the influx.
This week the governor of a Bavarian town sent a bus load of migrants to Mrs Merkel’s Berlin office in protest, whilst today her finance minister provoked fury by suggesting British motorists should be taxed to foot the bill for the current refugee crisis.
Is this whole situation, like, totally retarded?
I mean, obviously Merkel is a childless feminist wench, who hates White men, hates Germany and German identity, and wants to do everything in her power to destroy the country. She may also be part Jewish and is probably clinically insane.
But we are able to see this. Whatever the details of what is going on in her mind, her goal is to completely destroy Germany.
But what a horrible way to do it. She is triggering a massive backlash, and she is showing the rest of the world how idiotic it is to allow these hajis into your country. It is only a matter of time before they start with the bombings and so on.
And I would say right now, there is only about a 30-40% chance this will actually result in the complete destruction of Germany. More than likely, there will be a war, which will end with the removal of kebab and Swastika flags once again draped in the Reichstag.