Meanwhile, In Sweden: New Government-Subsidized Film Celebrates Mixed-Race Pegging

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2018

Here’s the trailer.

Stockholm Film Festival:

“Alice is in a relationship with Johannes, but she feels confined. During a night out with her clique, Alice steals a strap-on and challenges Johannes thoughts about girls.”

That’s the movie description.

Basically a fancy porno.

One with the Swedish guy getting rammed by a black woman using a stolen dildo.

Can you imagine them giving the pitch?

“It’s about a black girl stealing a dildo and fucking her white Swedish BF in the ass with it.”

Man. I don’t even know how to react here.

This is just another new low.

Like, let’s be real. I gave out a solid bark of laughter when I read it/saw the news. But now…

Especially when I found out that Sweden doesn’t have a film industry, and the government just subsidizes whatever films it wants/fits the PC climate.

That, of course, means Absolut Degeneracy.

And this isn’t the first subversive film that this director has put out.

They all have to do with butt-fuckery. And they’re all government-subsidized.


Ah, there it is.

The humor has come back! 

For a second there, I was about to shed a tear for what Sweden has become.