Meanwhile, Out on the Rez…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2018

It’s easy to forget that Injuns exist. I have come in contact with them only at casinos, and when driving through the Southwest, where you would see them in the back of old pickup trucks drinking at the side of the road.

Frankly, they aren’t a problem, other than a financial burden, because they don’t interact with us, really ever.

We don’t often hear about their situations. At all. They regulate all their own shit. They don’t commit crimes against whites, as a rule, other than the payout rates at the casino.

But here’s a fun tale of a wacky misadventure that is getting some press coverage because somehow some paleskin authorities got involved.

Fox News:

The trial began this week for three men accused of raping a 9-year-old while her mother smoked meth in a nearby garage.

The three — Larson RonDeau, 38, Randall Flatlip, 28, and Jerry Flatlip, 31 — have been accused of raping the young Utah girl after an Easter-egg hunt in March 2016. The girl, who has not been publicly identified because of her age, testified via video on Thursday that the men threatened to kill her and her family if she told anyone about the attack.

According to authorities, she told her mother two days later.

The girl’s mother pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor child abuse charge for leaving the girl behind to use drugs with a friend she’d met during a prior stay in jail; the friend had been sharing the home with the three defendants.

The girl was placed in state custody and is now in the care of her Native American tribe, authorities have said.

Yeah, see.

Not clear how the state got directly involved.

Usually, they keep all of this shit internal.

But it’s just another day on the rez. This is standard Injun behavior.

Noble meth-smoking child-gang-raping savages, lol.