Mecca: More Than 300 Killed in Hajj Stampede

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2015

"This whole shit just got BTFO." -Official announcement from Saudi Arabian government on the Hajj stampede
“This whole shit just got BTFO.” -Official announcement from Saudi Arabian government on the Hajj stampede

I promise you goyim, if we just bring all of these people to Europe, they are going to act totally normal.


They will be just like your next door neighbor, Hans, who you have coffee with and talk about soccer.

No one knows why they magically transform all of their behavior patterns based on tens of thousands of years of genetic and cultural evolution as soon as they step on European soil. Maybe it’s magic. Could be there is some scientific explanation for it that we just haven’t figured out yet.

All we know for certain is that as soon as they come to Europe, they totally and completely stop demonstrating the behavioral traits which lead to things like this:


A stampede during one of the last rituals of the Hajj season — the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca — has killed more than 300 people and injured 450 others in Saudi Arabia.

The stampede occurred Thursday during the ritual known as “stoning the devil” in the tent city of Mina, about 2 miles from Mecca, Islam’s holiest city.

Hundreds have been killed in past years during the same ceremony.

“We have a stampede accident in Mina, and civil defense is dealing with it,” said Brig. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, an Interior Ministry spokesman.

The ministry said the latest death toll is 310, but the numbers have been climbing steadily. Officials deployed 4,000 workers and 220 ambulances and other vehicles to Mina to help with the disaster.

In the ritual, crowds of pilgrims throw stones at three pillars, in a re-enactment of an event when the Prophet Abraham stoned the devil and rejected his temptations, according to Muslim traditions.

The ceremony was the scene of stampedes and hundreds of deaths in the 1980s and 1990s as pilgrims passed a crowded bottleneck area leading to the small pillars on the ground.

In 2006, a stampede there killed at least 363 people.

I think a good first step in stopping this from happening would be removing the ancient tradition of blasting Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” through mega-speakers during the “Stoning of the Devil” ceremony.

It really just creates an atmosphere that is wrought for a stampede.

I have long said “if they just replaced the theme song of the Stoning of the Devil ritual with Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart,’ these stampedes would stop happening.”

However, top Imams and the Saudi government have all agreed that the only song they would consider replacing “Danger Zone” with is the Scarface theme song “Push It to the Limit.”

I really don’t think that would solve the problem.

Reader Response

The Daily Stormer is interested in knowing what the reader thinks would be a good theme song for the “Stoning of the Devil” ritual in Mecca.

Let us know what you think in the comments section!