Media Blackout on the Disappearing Kike Prune Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2019

The filthy Jewish wench RBG is still MIA.

But instead of covering the missing nature of this old Jew, the media is talking about…

…LEGO movie cameo.

We were previously getting regular updates on her health situation, and the fact that she would be missing arguments.

But the last round of these articles was on January 11th – ten days ago.

Following that round of news, the media decided to totally stop covering the fact she’s gone, all at once. And when the entire media does something all at once, you know that it is being coordinated through their secret email groups.

So she broke her ribs, then it was revealed she had lung cancer, then we got regular updates, now there are no updates and we’re talking about LEGO movie.

Has she already died?

I don’t know, that is the internet’s theory.

I suspect she has not yet died but is on life-support and is not expected to be conscious again. She has her aides writing her opinions, which is usual anyway for a judge of her years. So it doesn’t really matter if she is conscious or not.

There is apparently no historical precedent for a judge being on life-support and remaining on the court, so basically, she just gets to keep doing this indefinitely until she actually officially dies.


But they’re not ready to come out and say “yeah she’s braindead hooked up to a machine but we’re just going to have people write her opinions for her.”

Because for most people, this will sound bizarre.

Maybe they’re hoping she wakes back up. But as far as we know, she’s been out since the surgery over a month ago.

I assume that once it is revealed that she is unconscious on life-support, there will be a movement demanding she resign.