Media Continues to Ignore Illegal Alien Crime Epidemic

The New Observer
April 26, 2016

The heartbroken mother of a child brutally murdered by an illegal nonwhite invader in the US revealed her suffering in emotion-filled testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week—to total silence from the controlled media.

Texan Laura Wilkerson testified in public on Tuesday, April 19, 2016—but the media instead chose to focus on stories designed to evoke sympathy for the illegal aliens and alleged “white racist police.”



Wilkerson told the committee how her son, Josh, was murdered on November 16, 2010, by an illegal immigrant—Hermilo Moralez—who asked for a ride home from Josh’s high school.

Wilkerson said her son’s killer testified at the trial on how he “systematically killed Josh.”

“First a punch in the face, so his vision was off. Next a knee to Josh’s abdomen so that he would go to the ground. Josh went to the ground as his spleen was sliced in half. This killer was aggravated that it was not over,” Wilkerson said in written testimony.

“He grew tired of watching bloody bubbles coming from Josh’s nose as he was trying to breathe. Next he took a closet rod and beat Josh over the head again and again until the rod broke in 4 pieces. Joshua still breathing. Next he strangled him, let him go to see if it was over, nope, so he continued until there were no more bubbles. He waited and watched him die,” Wilkerson added.

“He tied Josh’s body up, stuffed him in the backseat of our truck, bought gas, dumped Josh in a field and set his body on fire. The killer went home took a shower and went to see a movie,” Wilkerson said.

She called on Congress to enforce the existing immigration laws.

“The thing that you can do is enforce laws. How do you pick and choose a law? I don’t understand it, how you pick and choose a law.

“The laws are here to be enforced, by who? By you, and they’re not being enforced, and my kid suffered terribly for it,” she said.

“Every one of you are in a position to do something that we are not. If you’ve been in bed with somebody who’s given you too much money … get out of the way and let someone get in here that can care about Americans and their families,” Wilkerson said.

“And you talked about fear, you know that illegals are afraid to come out of the shadows. When somebody reaches in your house and grabs your littlest kid and tortures them, you’re afraid of everything for a long time. I could care less about the fear that they put themselves in here. I didn’t bring my kid across a border,” she said.

“If I would have told my daughter, I’m going to Mexico, and had a man, he’ll bring you over here in a year or two, I’d be charged with neglect as well as I should be. I did not put my kid in harm’s way when he went to school that day. You did,” Wilkerson added, breaking down in tears.

“Every one of you is elected by an American. It is time for you to stand in the gap for Americans.”

She ended her testimony by thanking Donald Trump for giving voice to Americans’ outrage over lax enforcement policies, saying that he had brought attention to something that’s been percolating for years.

She said she backed Trump, because he had voiced what she and other victims’ families have been trying to argue for years.

“Thank you to Mr. Trump for getting a message out in two minutes,” she said. “It feels good to be heard. Whether you love him or whether you don’t, I felt heard.”

The only media outlets to give her testimony any coverage at all were CNS News, The Hill, and Breitbart.

Not a word was reported by any of the large mass media outlets, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox news, etc., all of whom instead gave blanket coverage to Supreme Court appeals by illegal immigrant families who worry about being deported after Obama leaves office.

The main Hispanic news outlets, Univision and Telemundo, also completely ignored the hearings. Instead, Univision chose to devote a great deal of time to alleged “racist police activity,” while Telemundo praised the state of Nebraska for its decision to grant occupational licenses to illegal immigrants.

The reader is invited to consider what the reaction of all these media outlets had been if a nonwhite gave evidence akin to that of Laura Wilkerson before a Senate committee, in which the racial roles were reversed—where white people, illegally in the country, were murdering nonwhites in ever increasing numbers.

These media outlets would be screaming “racist” and “invasion” from the rooftops—but, because it is nonwhites doing the attacking, and whites being the victims, they choose instead to deliberately ignore it and try and hide it from the public.

Thanks, however, to the Internet, the media moguls’ attempts to censor the news are being undone. Below, Laura Wilkerson’s testimony:

* Moralez was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Josh Wilkerson.